Approaching omaha

WW2 Timeline

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    Battle of the Atlantic

    German U-boats were sinking allied merchant ships, which was illegal. The Allies used convoys to protect their ships and developed sonar to detect submarines The Germans were successful in the beginning, but eventually the Allies gained the upper hand.
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    On December the seventh, Japan attacked the American base at Pearl harbor. Japan was provoked by the American ebargo, mainly affecting their oil supply. The Americans intercepte d the Japanese code, however the Americans sent it through a slow telegram, which arrived too late. As a result, the US forces were com[pletely taken off guard. There were 2 attacks, which destroyed or damaged 350 planes and 18 ships. 2,400 Americans died, along with 1,178 injuries. Japan viewed it as a stunning victory.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    In 1941, Hitler broke the non-aggression pact and declared war on the U.S.S.R. Hitler pushed to capture the oil field near Stalingrad, and controlled 9/10 of the city, until the winter of 1943, du8ring which the Soviets encircled the Germans in the city. Hitler ordered them to stay put, which resulted in the entire 6th army surrendering. 1,100,000 Soviets lost their lives, however, it was the turning point of WW2.
  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    Even though Japan actually won the battle, the allies stopped an invasion of Australia. Before this, Japan was winning every battle before this. The U.S started using island hopping to weaken Japanese forces.
  • The Battle of Midway

    When admiral Nimitz intercepted Japanese codes, they launched a suprise attack on Japanese forces at the island og Midway, and won. The Japanese lost 4 carriers, one heavy cruiser, 3 destroyers, 275 planes and 4,800 men. Compare this to U.S losses of 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, 150 planes and 307 men.
  • D-Day Normandy invaision

    On June 6th, 1944, the Allies launched an invasion of German occupied France along 5 beaches, the British and Americans had 2 each, and the Canadians had 1. At the time, the allies were pushing north into Italy, an the Soviets into Poland. There were 150,000 troops involved. They attacked along 60 miles of beach and included 4,000 landing crafts, 11,000 planes and 600 warships. The number of dead ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 dead. Up to 10,000 casualties in total. France was freed in September.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    Germany's last offensive in the war started when German tanks broke through the Ardennes with the attempt to capture Antwerp. However, the Americans managed to hold out until reinforcements arrived. 120,000 Germans died and 80,000 Americans. The Germans also lost 600 tanks and guns, along with 1,200 planes, which left Germany crippled.
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    Conference of Yalta

    In February, 1945 the leaders on the U.S.S.R, Britain and the US met in Yalta, Crimea to discuss the future of Europe once the war was over. The biggest accomplishment was setting up the UN.
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    Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima was acritical island for American forces to capture. After a month of fighting, the U.S captured the island with 6,000 casualties compared to 26,800 Japanese casualties .
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    The last Japanese stronghold, Japanese used 1,900 kamikaze attacks. 110,000 Japanese died compared to 7,000 to 12,000 Americans. The U.S won.
  • President F.D.R passes away

    The president that led the U.S through the great depression and WW2 passes away at the beginning of his 4th term. Vice-president Harry Truman succeeds Roosevelt.
  • Hitler Dies

    In his Fuhrer bunker, along with his wife Eva Braun, Hitler commits suicide by use of a pistol and cyanide. Their bodies were burned. It made the cover of time magazine.
  • V-E day

    German forces officially surrendered to general Eisenhower. V-E means victory Europe. The 1st part of the war was over.
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    After the surrender of Germany, the leaders of the U.S.S.R, the U.S and Britain met in Potsdam to determine the disarmament of Germany, which would be divide into four sectors, along with Berlin in the east, which was in Soviet controlled territory. They also set up the Nurenburg trials and determined Japan must unconditionally surrender.
  • Manhatten project

    200,000 Japanese civilians died. In hiroshima, Little boy flattend the city in 43 secomds on august the 6th. In Nagasaki, Fat man flattened half the city on the 9th of august.
  • V-J day

    On the 15th of august, Japan accepted unconditional surrender. V-J means victory in Japan, which was on september the second, when they formally surrendered.