WW2 Timeline

  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    the treaty was signed by the allied power and Germany. in summary, the treaty blamed Germany for the entire WW1 and that meant a loss of territory, military, and money in Germany. it made many germans furious. Japanese Americans were sent to internment camps.
  • Anne Frank

    Anne Frank
    Anne Frank was born June 12th, 1929, and died February/March 1945. She was born in Germany and was born into poverty when Hitler was gaining more supporters. When she was only 10 years old, Nazis invaded the Netherlands and her family had to go into hiding. After 2 years of hiding, they got caught and sent to Auschwitz. She and her sister were transported to Bergen-Belson camp. Anne and her sister both contracted a deadly disease called Typhus and died with her sist in 1945.
  • Hitler voted to power in Germany

    Hitler voted to power in Germany
    He lost the 1932 election but during that, he became a credible politician. He was sworn into chancellor in 1933. He burnt down his Reichstag parliament to make it seem like Germany was in a war, leading to his election.
  • Hitlers Olympics

    Hitlers Olympics
    The Olympics were hosted in Berlin, Germany from August 1st - August 16th. Hitler used the Berlin Olympics to spread propaganda to the world that blue-eyed blonde-haired people are superior. when Jessie Owens won a bunch of gold medals for relay and long jump, he was top of the podium and stood up to Hitler because he saluted to America instead of Germany, and he was black so he didn't fit Hitler's standards.
  • Germany invasion of Poland

    Germany invasion of Poland
    The invasion started September 1st, 1939, and ended October 6th, 1939. When Germany invaded Poland to regain lost territory and rule their neighbor to the eat. they could use a military method called blitzkrieg. This is where the army uses a lot of bombs and heavy artillery including tanks. Concentration camps were set up for slave labor (one who was not the idea image of nazis)
  • Tripartite Pact signed

    Tripartite Pact signed
    It was an agreement signed by Germany, Italy, and Japan mainly to stop the US from entering WW2. When they formed the pact they called themselves the Axis Powers.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor, Hawaii is a Naval base that Japan attacked using fighter planes. japan destroyed 20 battleships, and over 300 airplanes. more than 2400 Americans died and many more were wounded. the next day Franklin Roosevelt declared war on Japan.
  • Japaneses Americans were sent to interment camps

    Japaneses Americans were sent to interment camps
    In reaction to pearl harbor, Franklin Roosevelt sent all Japanese Americans to internment camps (executive order 9066). This was mostly on the west coast. On neighboring countries did the same thing. Camps were small towns that were always guarded.
  • Axis Powers Surrender

    Axis Powers Surrender
    Italy was the first to surrender: September 8, 1943. Then Germany: May 7, 1945. Last Japan: September 2, 1945. The Alli between the 3 countries was called the Axis Powers. They collapsed because Hitler had died from suicide, therefore they didn't have a leader, and failure was imminent.
  • Dooms Day

    Dooms Day
    Americans decided to storm the beaches of Normandy. so that they could have a base in Europe. in this 1 battle, 425,000 allied troops and German troops were killed. Hitler had entire Europe guarded so more allied troops would die. soldiers had to jump out of boats and storm shores while getting shot at. only 4,000 - 9,000 troops died. Eventually, America set up a base in Europe.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    Located on the island of Iwo Jima, 70,000 US marines attacked the imperial army of Japan. Japan used the mountainous territory to its advantage. the preattack on the Japanese did little for Americans. 5-weeks of fighting lead to the American marines taking all of the Japanese "handouts". This was considered one of the most violent WW1 battles.
  • Nazi's established gas chambers at Auschwitz

    Nazi's established gas chambers at Auschwitz
    Auschwitz was a large Jewish concentration camp. Victims were told to undress and that they were just entering the camps. little did they know that they were being separated into two lines that determined whether they die or not, but the jews didn't know that. the Nazis told them that they were going to shower and decontaminate, and half of them were, but the other half were locked in gas chambers with Zyklon B gas that killed them.
  • Atomic bombs dropped on Japan

    Atomic bombs dropped on Japan
    An American B29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb on Japan. immediately 80,00 people were killed. thousands of more people died of radiation. 2 days later an American bomber B27 dropped another bomb on Japan.