WW2 Timeline

By 237kk19
  • Poland ceases to exist

    Poland and Russia had tensions between each other causing wars on each other.
    Then during WW1 Poland was eliminated but was restored on November 11, 1918.
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    U-boats attack

    Secret attack boats Germany used to attack.
    This gave Germany even more power when conquering other countries.
  • Geneva Convention

    Was made to protect civilians.
    Germany signed the convention but it didn’t stop him from doing violent acts to the civilians.
  • Bataan

    A major land battle for the Americans.
    This was one of the most devastating military defeats and was one of the most memorable battles.
  • Neutrality Act

    The Act was to have the U.S. away from getting into the war by making it illegal for Americans to sell or transport arms or other war materials.
    This law didn’t work out too well later near the 1939s because it started to shift away from isolationism because Congress was taking further steps to oppose fascism.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    German Jews rights were taken away from the country.
    This showed how bad Germany treated the Jews.
  • Tripartite pact

    This pact was for any signatories were suffering from an attack then they were provided mutual assistance.
    This gave other countries ideas on who to sign it with.
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    Japan invades China

    Japan wanted to take over most of China’s land so they make railroads connecting to their mainland.
    As they kept taking land Japan invaded China and started a war then Japan surrendered and lost their land later on making them a little frustrated and later joined Germany.
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    Any Jew that was found was arrested and their homes were burnt down.
    Hitler makes a “Final Solution” killing 6 million jews showing the worse conditions of how jews were treated.
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    Non-Aggression Pact

    A Pact that was made so other countries promise not to engage in military action against each other.
    This Pact did not last that long because when Hitler and Stalin signed the pact together, Hitler violated the Pact by attacking the Soviet Union's land and stealing their resources making the Soviet Union mad at Germany.
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    War declared on Germany by Poland, Great Britain, and France

    Germany declared war on Poland, Great Britain, and France because he invaded Poland.
    Poland got invaded by Germany causing Great Britain France got mad because they said if Germany invaded Poland then they would go to war.
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    "Cash and Carry"

    Allows to sell material like weapons and taken through the ships as long as people pay for them immediately in cash.
    This gave the U.S. and European countries neutrality on hold and while giving material aid to Britain.
  • Blitzkrieg

    Was a method to finish battles faster.
    Germany used this method to make battles take less time making them a problem for the allied powers because Hitler was gaining power pretty fast.
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    Hitler invades Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg

    Hitler invaded to get land and material.
    This gave Hitler even more power for WW2.
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    Hitler invades Netherlands, Belgium

    Hitler wanted to conquer France so he had to go through The Netherlands and Belgium in order to achieve that.
    Hitler won and took their land and materials giving Hitler more power.
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    Germany invades and splits France

    Germany used France for more land.
    Germany split France so they had one half for their troops and on that has none this made France join Germany to the Axis powers.
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    Soviet Union annexed the Baltic states

    Soviet Union annexed the Baltic States so that they could gain more power.
    They wanted to have more power and get ready for war.
  • Luftwaffe and RAF bombings

    In order for Germany to take London, they had to bomb them for them to surrender.
    Germany later had trouble because Britain would not surrender which changed WW2 because they fought off Germany.
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    Selective Training Service Act

    This was an Act that the U.S. made which is a draft for people to join WW2.
    This gave the U.S. more people to join the army giving the U.S. more power.
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    Lend-Lease Plan

    Countries were provided military aid whose defence was vital to the security of the U.S.
    This gave President Roosevelt the power to lend arms with Britain.
  • Hitler breaks Stalin’s agreement

    Hitler and Stalin sign the Non-Aggression pact and gain power for one another.
    This made Germany and Russia intimidating.
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    Executive Order 8802

    This order prohibited ethnic or racial discrimination in the nation’s defense industry.
    This made it to where people weren't allowed to discriminate against anyone.
  • U.S cuts off trading with Japan

    Since Japan is part of different powers the U.S. declined to freeze Japan’s assets.
    Japan lost access to ¾ of its overseas trade and 88% of its imported oil making them struggle for resources.
  • Atlantic Charter

    This was what the U.S. and the U.K. wanted to keep the world how it is.
    This statement was used after WW2 and helped everybody live normally.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japan was trying to eliminate U.S. forces as fast as possible.
    But that, later on, made the U.S. very angry.
  • U.S declares war on Japan

    They declared war on Japan after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
    This stopped Japan from succeeding any farther.
  • Executive Order 9066

    President Roosevelt signed this to remove anybody from military areas.
    This had Japan to remove some of their military and created more tension with the U.S.
  • Island Hopping Strategy

    A strategy that the U.S. used.
    This helped win most battles.
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    An air battle between the U.S. and Japan.
    This battle was a turning point in the Pacific war.
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    A battle between Germany and the Soviet Union.
    This battle was to stop Germany from entering into the Soviet Union.
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    El alamein

    This battle was a turning point in the North African campaign.
    Was one of the major battles for Britain that didn't need to involve the U.S.
  • D-Day

    Allied forces attacking the Nazi’s.
    This was the day when they stopped Nazi’s from taking over the world.
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    Liberation of concentration camps

    Concentration camps were made by Germany to give detention to the Jews.
    They didn't last that long after WW2 giving the Jews more freedom after the war.
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    Was the last major German Western Front battle with America.
    This failed to stop the allied powers from coming into Germany’s land and stopped Germany from proceeding any further.
  • Korematsu vs. US

    Korematsu refuses wartime.
    This got America to win over Japan.
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    Yalta Conference

    A day when all the nations discuss postwar plans.
    This made Germany weaker.
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    Iwo Jima

    Japan and the U.S had another fight.
    This stopped the tension between the U.S. and Japan from fighting.
  • VE Day

    Victory in Europe day.
    A celebration day for a win for Europe.
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    Potsdam Conference

    A conference with Stalin.
    Stalin was told that the U.S successfully detonated their first atomic bomb.
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    Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima

    First atomic bomb the U.S. used.
    This made japan lose a lot.
  • Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki

    The second bomb the U.S dropped on japan.
    Showing japan not to mess with the U.S.
  • VJ Day

    Victory over Japan.
    A celebration over the win against Japan.