WW2 Timeline

  • Mussolini's March on Rome

    Mussolini's March on Rome
    In October of 1922, Benito Mussolini and his fascist followers marched to Rome and ultimately took control of Italy. appointing Mussolini as the leader.
  • Stalin comes to power

    Stalin comes to power
    Joseph Stalin took control after Lenin died in January of 1924.
  • Hitler writes Mein Kampf

    Hitler writes Mein Kampf
    During his time in prison, Adolf Hitler would write Mein Kampf outlining his ideas and goals for Germany in the following years and decades.
  • First Five Year Plan in USSR

    First Five Year Plan in USSR
    The First Five Year Plan was an economical plan to boost crop harvests, industrialization and industrial output as well as consumer output.
  • Invasion of Manchuria

    Invasion of Manchuria
    The invasion of Manchuria marked the beginning of Japan's occupation of China to ensure that Japan had ample amount of oil and steel to build and maintain its army.
  • Holodomor

    Holodomor was a man-made famine in Ukraine from 1932-1933 caused by the forced collectivization of farms and revolutions from farmers.
  • Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
    On January 30, 1933, Alfred Hindenburg swore in Hitler and his cabinet. Hitler would quickly seek to increase his power more and more.
  • Night of the Long Knives

    Night of the Long Knives
    Night of the Long Knives, aka Operation Hummingbird, was a purge of the leaders of the German military, namely Ernst Rohm, that would allow Hitler to have full control over the armed forces.
  • Nuremburg Laws Enacted

    Nuremburg Laws Enacted
    The Nuremburg laws were a set of laws stripping rights and citizenship from Jews and encouraging discrimination towards Jews.
  • Italian Invasion of Ethiopia

    Italian Invasion of Ethiopia
    The invasion of Ethiopia was the result of a border dispute involving Ethiopia and a fort Italy had built on what Ethiopia claimed was their land.
  • The Great Purge

    The Great Purge
    The Greta Purge was a [period of Stalin's rule where he frequently executed anyone from peasants to military leaders to communist politicians for suspicion of sabotage and treason.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    The Spanish Civil war was a war between the Nationalists and the Republicans which resulted in a Nationalist victory and a Fascist Spain and the appointment of Francisco Franco as dictator.
  • The Rape of Nanking

    The Rape of Nanking
    The rape of Nanking was a mass murder and mass rape by Imperial Japan against the Chinese residents of Nanjing. This showed that Japan was ruthless and did not follow the rules of war.
  • Kristallnacht

    On November 9-10 of 1938, SA paramilitary troops and German citizens would loot, ransack and destroy Jewish businesses, schools, synagogues and hospitals.
  • Nazi Invasion of Poland

    Nazi Invasion of Poland
    On September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union both invaded Poland after signing a non-aggression pact and agreeing to split Poland between the two. This is often marked as the beginning of the Second World War.
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
    On December 7, 1941, Imperial Japan bombed the naval base at Pearl Harbor. This would sink 4 battleships and damage 4 other battleships. The United States would declare war on Japan and Germany the next day.