WW2 Timeline

  • Holocaust

    The Holocaust killed approximately 6 million Jews. The Holocaust was a genocide in WW2 by Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler.
  • Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    Germany invades Poland on September 1, 1939. Hitler intended to wage war, which lend to Hitlers blitzkrieg strategy.This strategy was to destroy enemy communication, aircraft etc.
  • Stalin Attacks Finland

    Stalin Attacks Finland
    The Soviet Union invaded Finland in November 30, 1939. Then ended three and half months later by the Moscow Peace Treaty.
  • Germany attacks France

    Germany attacks France
    With France Strong Military forces, Germany still attacked France in May 10, 1940.
  • Winston Churchill Becomes Prime Minister of Britain

    Winston Churchill Becomes Prime Minister of Britain
    Winston Churchill replaced Neville Chamberlain of Prime Minster of Britain on May 10, 1940. He soon gave his first speech on May 13th.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Hitler invaded Great Britain after the fall of France. While Germany was attacking Great Britain Germany went to target Britain's airfields and air craft factories. Britain soon fought back with there successful defense.
  • Hitler Takes Over The Balkans

    Hitler Takes Over The Balkans
    Hitler took a lot of oil and food supplies from Balkan countries, Hitler was ready to preserve peace to that part of Europe.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    Lend-Lease Act
    During WW2 the Lend-Lease Act was for to supply the US military aid to foreign nations.
  • German Blitzkrieg on Soviet Union

    German Blitzkrieg on Soviet Union
    Germany attacked the Soviet Union using the Blitzkrieg strategy which is to create disorganization among enemy forces.Germany failed attacking the Soviet Union.
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was a US naval base that was attacked by a surprise military strike from the Japanese.
  • Japanese internment camps

    Japanese internment camps
    The Japanese internment camps were camps during WW2 that the US Government relocated Japanese Americans to these detention camps.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Battle of Midway happened 6 months after the attack of Pearl Harbor. Battle of Midway was a naval battle of WW2.
  • Guadalcanal

    Guadalcanal was one of the islands by the South Pacific. Its known for its WW2 relics.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Battle of Stalingrad was the Germany and its allies fighting the Soviet Union for Stalingrad in Southern Russia.
  • Battle of El Alamein

    Battle of El Alamein
    The first Battle of El Alamein ended in a stalemate. The Second Battle of El Alamein started many problems. The second battle marked the beginning of the end of axis in North Africa.
  • Tehran Conference

    Tehran Conference
    The Tehran Conference was the first WW2 meeting held by Big Three. Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill talked about strategy at this conference.
  • D-Day

    D-Day was when allied forces invaded France in Normandy.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    The Yalta Conference was the second wartime meeting. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Stalin, and Winston Churchill all demanded Germany to surrender and soon planned for a post war world.
  • F.D.R's death

    F.D.R's death
    Franklin D. Roosevelt was the 32nd President of the United States as a Democrat. Franklin D. Roosevelt died in Warm Springs GA.
  • Mussolini's Assassination

    Mussolini's Assassination
    Mussolini's death happened in the final days of WW2 in Europe. He was assassinated by Italian partisans.
  • Hitler's Suicide

    Hitler's Suicide
    Adolf Hitler committed suicide by taking a cyanide capsule, and shooting himself in the head.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    The Potsdam Conference was the last WW2 meeting held by the Big Three heads of state.
  • Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

    Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
    United States attacked Japan during the final stage of WW2. The two Japanese cities that were attacked were Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • McAurthur's Plan for Japan

    McAurthur's Plan for Japan
    McAurthur's Plan for Japan was held at the end of WW2. Led by General Douglas McAurthur.
  • Formation of the U.N.

    Formation of the U.N.
    The United Nation formed in October 10, 1945.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    Nuremberg Trials
    The Nuremberg Trial was a trial that was held by the allied forces. The Nuremberg Trial was under laws after WW2, and international law.
  • Cold War

    Cold War
    Geopolitical attention between East and Western powers. The war lasted 1947-1991
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall plan was to help Western Europe. The United States gave over $13 billion to help rebuild Western Europe economics after WW2.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    The Berlin Airlift was for to carry supplies to West Berlin. This was difficult due to the size of the city's population.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall separated East Berlin and West Berlin. The Berlin Wall Was constructed by Germany. The wall stood for nearly 28 years.