By Lyra B.
  • Japanese Invasion of Manchuria

    Japanese Invasion of Manchuria
    An explosion happened on September 18 1931 which destroyed a railway track owned by Japan near the Chinese Mukden. Japan blamed China for the incident and used it as an opportunity to invade them.
  • Russia and Germany Sign Pact

    Russia and Germany Sign Pact
    On August 23 1939, Germany and Russia signed an agreement called The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, its an agreement between countries to not attack each other.
  • Hitler Invades Poland

    Hitler Invades Poland
    On September 1 1939, Adolf Hitler a German politician who was the dictator of Germany launched a surprised attack on Poland. It was a a joint attack made by Germany along with Soviet Union and Slovak republic which resulted to Poland being divided . The invasion lasted from Sept 1- Oct 6. This event is also one of the reason why WW2 started
  • Britain and France Declare War on Germany

    Britain and France Declare War on Germany
    on September 3 1939, Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days after Germany invaded Poland
  • Phoney war

    Phoney war
    the name phoney war refers to the first 6 month of the ww2
  • Hitler invades Denmark and Norway

    Hitler invades Denmark and Norway
    on April 9 1940, the German Nazi planned to invade Denmark and Norway, and on the same day the Denmark surrendered and was controlled by the Nazi to invade Norway
  • Chamberlain resigns

    Chamberlain resigns
    chamberlain a prime minister had an illness which caused him to resign on may 10 1937, he then died of cancer on November 1940
  • Italy enters war on the side of the axis power

    Italy enters war on the side of the axis power
    it was june 10 1940 when italy joins the war on the side of the axis power along with germany, italy and japan
  • France signs armistice with germany

    France signs armistice with germany
    France surrendered to Germany and signed a truced on 1940, June 22
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Germany's invasion of Russia also known as Operation Barbarossa happen on June 22 1941
  • Britain and US declare war on Japan

    Britain and US declare war on Japan
    On 1941 December 8, US and Britain declared war on Japan right after Japan attacked British as well as American territories in south east Asia
  • Italy surrenders

    Italy surrenders
    Italy surrender to the Allies on September 29 1942 and later declared war on Germany on the side of the allies
  • V2 Flying bombs

    V2 Flying bombs
    the v2 rockets was created by Wernher bon Braun and was first launched on october 3 1944 and used it to attack paris on september 6 1944
  • Russians reach Berlin

    Russians reach Berlin
    it was on April 20 1945 the Russians bombarded berlin and didn't stop until they surrendered
  • Mussolini captured and executed

    Mussolini captured and executed
    on april 28 1945, an Italian dictator; Mussolini was captured and was shot at the back
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    after Hitler died the Germany believed there was no way they could win so they didn't have choice but to surrender
  • atomic bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    atomic bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on august 6 1945 which killed thousands of people in Japan
  • Russia declares war on japan

    Russia declares war on japan
    right after Hiroshima and Nagasaki where bombarded, Soviet unions declared war on Japan on which happened on august 7/8 1945
  • Japanese surrender

    Japanese surrender
    it was because of the atomic bombs that was dropped that made Japan surrendered on September, 2, 1945