WW2 Timeline

By ett6204
  • The Treaty of Munich

    The Treaty of Munich
    Hitler from Germany, Chamberlain from England, Daladier from France and Mussolini from Italy met and agreed that Hitler should take over Sudetanland, Czechoslovakia. The Czechs were not at the meeting, so they realized that no country would support them. They were forced to surrender Sudetenland to Hitler. Chamberlain returned to England with a document signed by Hitler, who 'proclaimed peace in our time.'
  • France and Britian declare war on Germany

    France and Britian declare war on Germany
    Britian declared war on Germany. France was to back Britian up. Neville Chamberlain broadcasted the announcement that the countries was at war with Germany.
  • Operation Dynamo

    Operation Dynamo
    General Gort, Britian's Commander in Chief, was forced to retreat to the beach of Dunkirk. The troops waited, while being shot by the enemy, to be taken off the beaches. A call went out to all the people that had good vessels, and more than 338,000 men were rescued, and about 140,000 Frenchmen, who would form the Free French army, under Charles de Gaulle.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Britain

    -In July, Hitler sent his Luftwaffe bombers to attack British ports.
    -In August, the attacks on shipping continued, but the bombing raids were concentrated on RAF (Russian Air Force) airfields.
    -The Blitz- On September 7th, London was heavily bombed. Hitler hoped to destroy the hope of the British people.
    4. Night Bombing - When day raids failed, Hitler began a series of night bombing raids on London and other good industrial cities. The RAF defended, and by October 31, the bombing ceased.
  • Britain and the United States join forces, declaring war on Japan

    Britain and the United States join forces, declaring war on Japan
    On this day, the British and the Americans joined forces, becoming the Allies, and declaring war on Japan, because of the attack of Pearl Harbor. The Japanese already invaded France, Britian, and the Netherlands. Those Japanese Forces, who were already at war with the Chinese, attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
  • Italy surrenders to British and US forces

    Italy surrenders to British and US forces
    After British and American forces attacked (In July) and captured (In August) Italy, Mussolini, the leader in Italy, had been thrown out of office. The new government of Italy surrendered to the British and the USA. Italy then agreed to join the allies-Britian and USA. But then, Germany took control of the Italian army, freed Mussolini from his prison and put him the head of a puppet government in Northern Italy. This made any further alliance in Italy blocked.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    Adolf Hitler, the German leader, shot himself on this day. When he shot himself, he was in a bombproof shelter. He was with Eva Braun, who he made his wife at the last minute of his life.
  • German Forces Surrender

    German Forces Surrender
    On this day, Holland and Denmark, German forces, surrendered to Montgomery. Admiral Donitz, Hitler's nominated successor, tried to make an agreement to surrender to the Allies, but to continue to fight the Russians. His request was refused by the Allies.
  • USA dropped an Atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan

    USA dropped an Atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan
    The US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. Later, U.S. dropped another atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki, Japan. The reason is that Japan had not surrendered.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    On this day, the Japenese surrendered to the Allies. It wasn't until September 2, 1945 when the United States General, Douglas MacArthur, accepted Japan's surrender, By accepting Japan's surrender, Douglas MacArther officially ended the World War 2.