Nazi Blitzkrieg reaches Poland
The German Government exploits the weak British policy of Appeasement, which is giving someone what they want, to take more land, over the course of time leading up to the invasion of Poland. On September 1st, 1939, the German army initiated Operation Fall Weiß, and charged into Poland, exemplifying the dotrine of Blitzkrieg. Hit fast, hit hard, and cripple them, using all forces at their disposal. In turn of a peace agreement with Russia, the Russian/Ukrainian Armies attacked from the East. -
To war!
Neville Chamberlain finally gives in, and declares war on Germany, honoring their pact to defend Poland. (Authors Note: Neville. Take a hint. Hitler takes all this territory, over and over saying that that's the last bit he takes, and you believe it. Wow, Neville. Bad move.). -
Luftschlacht um England!
On July 10th, 1940, the German Air Force, also known as the Luftwaffe (literally "Air Weapon") began to assault the outer territories of the British Isles, namely the English Channel, and around the cliffs of Dover. This began 2 months after the successful German invasion of France. However, later that fall, due to ineptitude on the part of high ranking German Air Force commanders, like Hermann Goering, the German Air Force was pushed back, although this was not considered a major defeat. -
Operation Barbarossa
In a backstabbing show of treachery, the Germans now turn their attention to Russia. Only after the battle of Britain did the Germans really have all their attention on Russia. Ironically, Hitler ordered the attack of a country who, only a month or so before, he asked to join the Axis; which, at its zenith, would consist of Germany, Italy, Japan, Vichy France, Romania, Slovakia, Finland, and Spain. -
War in the Pacific
On this date, "A day which shall live in infamy" came to pass. A large Japanese carrier fleet launched its planes to bombs the U.S. Naval base of Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii. -
Because the japanese had steadily been capturing islands since long before Pearl Harbor, America decided it was going to go to war with Japan, and set to work taking back the islands japan had occupied. The first targets were the Solomon Islands, and Guadalcanal. -
Battle for Kursk
Following Stalin's executive order (Ni Shagu Nazad!= Not one step back!), which made it a crime to retreat in the face of an enemy, the Russians were now guaranteed to fight to the last man. They wouldn't have to at Kursk though. They had set up numerous defenses against the approaching German Panzerkorps. The Germans made a fatal mistake in this battle, stretching their lines far too thin. -
To Sicily!
On this date, the combined American/British fleets set sail for Sicily, an Island off of mainand Italy. The very next day, the US 82nd Airborne division, and the British 1st Paratrooper division landed across Sicily by Aair, meeting heavy resistance from Italian FlaK guns. -
The Monte Cassino Bombardment
In one of the most embarassing moments of the entire war for the allies, American Bombers take aim at the Monte Cassino Monastery, where they BELIEVE German Positions are dug in. Despite this, German Paratroopers, Called Green Devils for their distinctive Jump-smocks, and their extreme tenacity, are camped around the Monastery. They did not harm the Abbot of the Monastery, but made sure to tell him to take cover from the impending allied Bombardment. -
Storm the Beaches! D-day!
Combined American, British, And Canadian Forces storm the beaches of German Occupied France. The Germans are definitely ready, and have many divisions manning fortifications AND the countryside just behind them. Despite this, when all is said and done, the Germans are drven out of France in the end, and henceforth, the german army gains no more ground.