WW2 Time Line

  • Hitler Rises to Power

    Hitler uses the anger that the Germans have from the Treaty of Versailles to gain a following from the people.
  • Meeting with Mussolini

    This was the first meeting between Mussolini and Hitler. Hitler came without wearing his uniform but Mussolini came with his full uniform. This created a bad tension between the two of them.
  • The Rhineland

    Hitler went into Rhineland without tanks/bombers. He wanted the military.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Francisco Franko overthrows the left-wing government in Spain. Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin were all involved by sending in tanks, aircraft and weapons. This made other Europeans fearful because war travels fast. Lasted from (July 17, 1936 - April 1, 1939).
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Rome-Berlin Axis
    Hitler intended to invade Austria and needed assurance from Mussolini that he wouldn't interfere and in turn Hitler promised Mussolini that he would focus anymore empire building in north or central Europe.
  • Japanese Conquest of China

    Japanese Conquest of China
    Japan's cultural view of their Emperor in the 30's was that they all thought he was a living God and they should rule all of Asia, which lead them into the war against China. They conquer the cities of Nanking and Shang Hi by going on a rampage of murder and rape. This war lasts 7 years with 20 million casualties. Lasts from (July 7, 1937 – September 9, 1945)
  • Munich Agreement, Invasion + Complete Takeover of Czechoslovakia

    Munich Agreement, Invasion + Complete Takeover of Czechoslovakia
    The Munich Agreement is when Hitler could have 1/3 of Czechoslovakia. Hitler then soon after fully marched into Czech and completely took it over. He was bent on world conquest and nothing but war could stop him. Lasted from (September 30, 1938 - March 1939)
  • Nazi - Soviet Pact

    Nazi - Soviet Pact
    Hitler and Stalin came to an agreement and promised not to go to war with each other. They both secretly decide to divide up Poland between them.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    This is the trigger cause of WW2. This is when Germany invaded Poland which caused Britain and France to both declare war 2 days after the invasion. Canada also joined in and declared war on Germany. Lasts from (September 1, 1939 – October 6, 1939).
  • The Pacific

    The Pacific
    Us moved a lot of their troops to Hawaii and Britain moved their Canadian troops to Hong Kong. Japan plotted an attack on the US at pearl harbor and no one saw the attack coming. There was almost nothing left of the U.S pacific fleet. Americans were stunned and horrified and they declared war on Japan. Japan sent an attack on Hong Kong and the Canadians were not prepared and were still in training. Lasts from (September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945)
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    The Nazis matched into an undefended Paris and in 3 days France surrendered to the Germans. Hitler made France sign the surrender agreement. Only Britain and its commonwealth were left to stop the Nazi. Canadians railed and did their part. Lasts from (May 10, 1940 – June 25, 1940)
  • Dunkirk

    Hitler ordered the Wehrmacht to pull back to let the Luftwaffe have their win. This allowed the Allies to have a full retreat and a great naval escape. Called every sea vessel to ferry soldiers across English Channel and back to Britain. Rescued 340,000. Lasts from (May 26, 1940 – June 4, 1940)
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    After France, Hitler knew that he needed to knock out Britain's Air Force to attack Britain. He ordered the Luftwaffe to attack and sent 2 bombers to attack civilians and break the will of the Brits. The Brits then bombed Berlin. 1000s of planes and bombers flew over Britain. Lasts from (July 10, 1940 – October 31, 1940).
  • Invasion of Soviet Union

    Invasion of Soviet Union
    Hitler decided to turn on the Soviet Union. Germany was successful at the beginning and the soviets suffered around 1 million losses. The Germans suffered through the hard Russian Winters and were not prepared at all. Lasts from (June 22, 1941 – December 5, 1941).
  • Dieppe

    in 1942, 5k Canadian troops were selected for a raid on the French port of Dieppe. The code name is operation Jubilee. Dieppe revealed what would be needed for a full-scale allied assault and was a way to create a Western front and draw troops from the Eastern front.900 Canadians were killed, 1000s injured and 2000 of the soldiers were taken as prisoners. There was many casualties at Dieppe. (August 19, 1942)
  • Italian Campaign

    Italian Campaign
    The soldiers at Italy were accused as being lazy and dodging D-day. soldiers were fighting in Italy. On July 10, 1943 1000s of Canadian landed on Sicily's beaches and were part of the British Eighth army under G. Bernard Montgomery. The Germans had anticipated the surrender and had heavily armed, battle harden German forces. In December 1943 Canadians faced resistance from German troops and the Canadians had to carve a bridge. Last from (July 10, 1943 – May 2, 1945)
  • Liberation of the Netherlands

    Liberation of the Netherlands
    Canadians troops found many starving people in the Netherlands. April-May the Canadian troops experienced difficulty. Hitler made last minute efforts and extended armed service ages from 16-50 and managed to gather 750k. These efforts failed and the Germans were forced to continue to retreat. The Soviet Union had time to move across Eastern Europe. Lasts from (September 1944 – April 1945)
  • D-Day

    2 days after capturing Rome, the Allies invaded France. They used massive air + naval firepower as well as a coordinated ship to shore communication. The lesson to plan the invasion down to every last detail was learned. 171 air squadrons, 7k allied ships and paratroopers were used along with landing craft, cruisers, destroyers, and mine sweepers were all used. The Commander required complete secrecy, even the soldiers didn't know the plan until a few hours before.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    Troops were within blocks of Hitler's bunker when he and his life-long companion (Eva Braun) both committed suicide. Grand Admiral Karl Donite succeeded Hitler, but on May 8, 1945 he surrendered to the allied forces and this day became known as VE Day.