WW2 Romina Villarreal 8A

  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    Nazi Germany invaded Poland. The USSR also invaded them because they were Germany’s ally. Britain and France defended Poland and declared war to Germany. This officially started WW2.
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    Fall of France

    France built a really long border with Germany to protect themselves from an invasion. Germany passed the border with a strategic move. France was controlled by Nazi Germany marking the Fall of France.🇫🇷🗼
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    Battle of Britain

    The German Air Force threw bombs on Britain. The British avoided the German attacks through air defense. This was a win for the Allies.🇬🇧💣🇩🇪
  • Pearl Harbor Attack

    Pearl Harbor Attack
    Japan attacked this naval base in Hawaii by surprise. This caused the entry of the US into the war. The US became the leader of the Allies.
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    Operation Barbarossa

    The Soviet Union was invaded by Nazi Germany. Even though they were allies, Germany betrayed the Soviet Union. This was the largest invasion in history.🏳️
  • USA declares war

    USA declares war
    The US declared war on Japan because of their attack on Pearl Harbor. This also caused the US to declare war on Germany since it is its ally. This war ended with the atomic bombs dropped.
  • Mexico declares war

    Mexico declares war
    German submarines sank oil tanker ships from Mexico. Mexico got angry and joined the Allies. Mexican Air Force was sent to the Pacific to fight against Japan.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    The US marine army defeated Japanese fleet. They made Japan’s marine power weaker, shifted the balance in favor of the Allies and fought Japanese expansion. The US captured Japanese-held islands and started approaching Japan.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    German wanted to capture Stalingrad, a city in the Soviet Union. Germany failed because of the Soviet resistance and winter temperatures. German soldiers retreated and the beginning of the Soviet Union went towards Berlin. ❄️🇩🇪
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    Manhattan project

    This project was about researching and developing the first nuclear weapon in history. This project was lead by the American Robert Oppenheimer.📄☢️🧨🔫💣
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    Operation Overlord (D-Day)

    Germans prepared themselves by adding barbed wire, bunkers, and mines to their area. After they fought, they won and made the way for the liberation of France and Europe. This day is also called D-Day because General Dwight D. Eisenhower led the invasion.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    Since Germany was defeated, Adolf Hitler and some of his officials committed suicide.
  • Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day)

    Victory in Europe Day (V-E Day)
    The Soviet Union Army bombed Berlin. Hitler saw his defeat and committed suicide with some of his officials. The war ended with Germany’s surrender.
  • Atomic bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    When the US had the weapons ready, they threw them to Japan. The effects of the atomic bomb were really intense. It caused destruction of buildings, a lot of deaths, and many people got cancer.
  • Victory in the Pacific (V-P Day)

    Victory in the Pacific (V-P Day)
    Two days letter after the atomic bomb, the USSR made a huge invasion of Japanese to China. The second atomic bomb was dropped also in Japan. Japanese was scared of an invasion or another bomb, Japan surrender.