
WW2 Project

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    Japan begin takeover of Manchuria, which is later renamed Manchukuo.

  • Hidenburg is elected President in Germany defeating Nazi Party candidate Adolph Hitler and another candidate.

    Hidenburg is elected President in Germany defeating Nazi Party candidate Adolph Hitler and another candidate.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt(FDR) is elected president of the United States

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    Hindenburg appoints Hitler Chancellor of Germany

  • FDR makes the first "fireside chat" speaking to the United States population over the radio

  • Dachau, the first concentration camp, is established in Germany.

  • Japan leaves the League of Nations Nazi Germany had withdraw earlier in the year.

    Japan leaves the League of Nations Nazi Germany had withdraw earlier in the year.
  • Adolph Hitler seizes power in Germany. Hidenburg is reduced to a figure head.

    Adolph Hitler seizes power in Germany. Hidenburg is reduced to a figure head.
  • In Germany, Jew and non-Aryans are banned from practicing law and working in the civil services. Later they will be banned from a variety of professions including farming, art, literature, journalism, music and theater.

    In Germany, Jew and non-Aryans are banned from practicing law and working in the civil services. Later they will be banned from a variety of professions including farming, art, literature, journalism, music and theater.
  • Several thousand Americans attend a pro-Nazi rally in Queens. New York.

    Several thousand Americans attend a pro-Nazi rally in Queens. New York.
  • Germany passes law restricting college enrollement of Jews. Similar legal discrimination already exists in the United States.

  • In Germany, 30,000 are now interned.

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    In Germany, the first Nuremberg Laws are passed revoking citizenship from Jews and prohibiting them from marrying non-Jews.

  • Italy invades Ethiopia

  • Spanish Civil War begins

  • Berlin Olympic Games. Nazis disguise outward signs of anti-Semitism

  • Formation of the Rome-Berlin Axis

  • Japan and Germany sign Anti-Comiterm Pact.

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    Gemany signs military agreement with Japan

  • Japan invades China

    Japan invades China
  • FDR's Speech calls for international cooperation against aggression.

  • Romanian Jews are stripped of their citizenship

  • Austria is annexed by Germany.

  • Jews eliminated from the economy in Germany. Their assets can be seized.

  • The Jewish refugee ship the St.Louis arrives in Belgium after being denied access to Cuba.

    The Jewish refugee ship the St.Louis arrives in Belgium after being denied access to Cuba.
  • Germany invades Poland from the west.

    Germany invades Poland from the west.