WW2 Pacific Theater

  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    The United States cut trade with Japan while Japan was trying to conquer Manchuria and the Pacific. No longer recieving resources from the US, Japans war effort was greatly affected. Instead of giving up and taking what they've already gained the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, Hawaii; also attack the Philippines, Wake Island, Guam, Malaya, Thailand, Shanghai and Midway in an effort to gain resources and continue their war effort. It also brought the United States into the war.
  • Period: to

    Japanese Domination

  • US and Britain declare war on Japan

    At the same time the US and Britain declare war on them the Japanese invade Thiland.
  • Japanese invasions

    Japanese invasions
    Over the next two weeks in December the Japanese invade the Philippines and sieze Guam on the tenth, invade Burma on the eleventh, invade British Borneo on the sixteenth, invade Hong Kong on the eighteenth and Luzon in the Philippines on the twenty second.
  • General MacArthur begins withdraw and Japanese gain Wake Island

    MacAurthur leaves Manila and heads to Baatan at the same time the Japanese take Wake Island.
  • British Surrender at Hong Kong

    The British don't have a strong enough force to hold off the Japanese in Hong Kong.
  • Japanese invasions and gains In January

    Jan. 2- Japan takes Manila and US Naval Base at Cavite
    Jan. 7- Japan attacks MacAurther at Bataan
    Jan. 11- Japan invades Dutch East Indies and Dutch Borneo
    Jan. 19- Japan takes Notrthern Dutch Borneo
    Jan. 23- Japan takes Rabaul in Soloman Islands and invade Bouganville the largest of the Soloman Islands.
    Jan. 30- The British withdraw to Singapore and the next day the Japanese place a siege on Singapore.
  • US sees some success

    US sees some success
    The United States sees first success when a US submarine sinks Japanese warship for the first time.
  • US offensive

    http://www.cv6.org/1942/marshalls/default.htmUS air craft carriers YORKTOWN and ENTERPRISE launch massive air raids on Japanese bases at Gilbert and Marshal Islands.
  • Japanese invasions in February

    Feb. 2- Japan invades Java in Dutch East Indies
    Feb. 8- Japan invades singapore after nine day siege
    Feb. 14- Japan invades Sumatara in Dutch East Indies
    Feb. 19- Japan invades Bali
  • Japanese Air Raid on Darwin, Autralia

    Japanese Air Raid on Darwin, Autralia
  • Battle of the Java Sea

    Battle of the Java Sea
    http://militaryhistory.about.com/od/worldwari1/p/javasea.htmJapanese Naval Victory against the US. The United States loses its largest warship in the Far East, th HOUSTon is sunk.
  • Battle of Coral Sea

    http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/events/wwii-pac/coralsea/coralsea.htmThe ships never saw nor shot at one another. Only aircraft carriers engaged. Japan won a tactical victory but the US won a strategic victory.
  • Japan at its peak

    Japan at its peak
    At this time Japans empire is the largest it will ever be.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Turning point in the war occurs with a decisive victory for the U.S. against Japan in the Battle of Midway as squadrons of U.S. torpedo planes and dive bombers from ENTERPRISE, HORNET, and YORKTOWN attack and destroy four Japanese carriers, a cruiser, and damage another cruiser and two destroyers. U.S. loses YORKTOWN.
  • The Battel of Guadalcanal

    http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/battle_of_guadalcanal.htmFirst Major offensive for the allies in the Pacific which resulted in an allied victory. The battle lasted until February 9, 1943
  • Japanese night attack

    A major U.S. naval disaster off Savo Island, north of Guadalcanal, as eight Japanese warships wage a night attack and sink three U.S. heavy cruisers, an Australian cruiser, and one U.S. destroyer. Another U.S. cruiser and two destroyers are damaged. Over 1,500 Allied crewmen are lost.
  • Period: to

    US begins Island Hopping

    Us develops strategy to take islands back from Japan one at a time until Japan has been pushed all the way back to the Island of Japan itself.
  • Battle of Bismark Sea

    http://www.combinedfleet.com/bismksea.htmAnother US victory over Japan.
  • Battle of Vella Gulf

    Battle of Vella Gulf
    In the battle, six American destroyers—Dunlap, Craven, Maury, Lang, Sterett, and Stack—engaged a group of four enemy destroyers attempting to reinforce Japanese troops on Kolombangara. The American warships closed the enemy undetected with the aid of radar and fired torpedoes, which sank Hagikaze, Arashi, and Kawakaze with no damage to American ships.
  • Battle of Empress Augusta Bay

    The battle was a US victory. The Japanese navy was trying to stop the US from landing at Bougainville and the US navy was able to hold them off.
  • Battle of Tarawa

    Battle of Tarawa
    http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/tarawa.htmSecond major allied offensive that resulted in a very bloody battle but an allied victory.
  • Battle of Leyte

    United States troops invaded the island of Leyte as part of a strategy aimed at isolating Japan from the countries it had occupied in Southeast Asia, and in particular depriving its forces and industry of vital oil supplies.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    Very fierce and bloody battle in which all but 216 Japanese soldiers fought to the death or commited suicide. The result was an allied victory.
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    An 82 day long assult on the Japanese Island of Okinawa was the largest battle of the Pacific Theater. Japan lost over 100,000 men in the battle and lost the battle and pushed the Japanese back to the island of Japan.
  • Massive air raids on Japan begin

    The US launches over 1000 bomber raid on Japan
  • First Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima

    First Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima
    The bomb caused over 70,000 deaths and was meant to scare Japan into submission. After the dropping of the bomb the US told Japan they would use another one in three days if they did not surrender. Japan did not surrender.
  • Second Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki

    Second Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki
    Bomb kills another 70,000 Japanese people and convinces Japanese leaders to seek peace with the US.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    Japan accepts unconditional surrender. The war in the Pacific is over.