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Hitler In Charge Of Germany
Night Of The Long Knifes
In the night of the long knifes the whole top of the SA were murdered by the SS of Heimrich Himmler -
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War Between Japan And China (2nd Time)
Great-Brittain, France And The Soviet Union Become Allies
Mobilised Forces Enter Hoorn Per Train
auschwitz was put in use
the germans used Auschwitz to gas prisoners -
Bombing Of Rotterdam
Rotterdam was bombed because the Netherlands wouldn't surrender -
invasion germans in the netherlands
10,000 NSB members put incustody by the dutch goverment
the dutch forces surrender
holland capitulates
February Strike
The February strike started in Amsterdam but grew out to be a much larger event -
germany declares war to the US
NSB only permitted political party
Jews Have To Wear Jew-Stars
concentration camp Vughtwas used
all men between the age of 18 and 35 years must work in germany
americans bomb Arnhem Nijmegen and enschede accidentally
dropping waepons for dutch resistance groups
"dolle dinsdag" (mad teusday)
Everbody thought that they would be freed that day but they actually were freed the next -
In this years there wasn't much food people ate tulips just to stay alive, Many people died this winter -
The Soviets Free The People From Auswitz
oparation manna
holland released
dutch east indies released