the battle of dredsen
the bombing of dresden was a british-american joint bombing of the german city of dresden. It was a huge bombing demolishing the city of dresden. this not only weakened germany's army but also weakened there moral. -
the battle of leyte gulf
the battle of leyte golf was a huge naval battle. the battle of leyte gulf is considered by some critea the largest naval battle of ww2. america sent out 200,000 naval ships in this attack in the philipines. -
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battle of the bulge
The battle of the bulge in the ardennes forest was the last push for france for germany. the germans initially pushed the american line back forming a bulge in line knock on wood. but with reinforcements the allies successfully recovered and took the ardennes forest. -
D-Day was and is the largest amphibious attack ever. After france fell america, britain, and canada launched this attack on the beaches of normandy to gain the first real allied foothold in europe. after a long battle with many casualties the allies took the beaches -
liberation of parris
The liberation of paris was a successful allied attack on a german garrison in the capital city of france. After a strong allied attack the german garrison had surrendered. this was a major turning point in the war because pretty much france was liberated. -
the postdam confereance
the postdam conference was a meeting between the main allied leaders. america, britan, and russias leaders all meet up in germany to discus what to do with countries and border also just post war life in general. -
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iwo jima
iwo jima was a battle between america and japan. iwo jima was considered a strategic strong port for its airfields and proximity to japan. it is also one of the largest amphibious attack by america at the time -
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the battle of okiwana is one of the bloodiest battles in the paccific theater. it was a large scale amphibous attacks considered on of the most causality costly battles for america in ww2. this is also considered the last major battle before the atomic bombings -
the yalta conference
the yalta conference was a meeting in yalta, crimea. britain america and russia all meet up to discuss issues. they primaraly discussed what to do after war with countries like, german, japan, and poland. -
the firebombing of tokyo
the firebombing of tokyo was a series of bombing raids on tokyo. carried out by america in one night it is considered one of the most destructive bombings in human history. -
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soviet invasion of brelin
this was the last major offensive of the war. the soviets planned to take out germany in its capital with one final push. leading to germanys surrender -
Germanys surrender
germany's surrender was signed on a monday may 7th 1945. it took effect merley 20 minutes later ending war in the european theater. General Alfred Jodl and Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel signed the surrender for germany -
the bombing of hrioshima
the bombing of hiroshima was the atomic bombing by america on a town in japan. america was seeking a quick end to the war likely because of okinawa and the loses they suffered. they dropped an atomic bomb on hiroshima killing civillians and soliders alike -
Nagasaki Bombing
the nagaski bombing is the same deal as hiroshima this was the final nail in the coffin versus japan -
the surrender of japan
japan follwing the atomic bombings surrendered. japanese envoys signed the letters upon the u.s.s. missipi