Adolf Hitler becomes the chancellor of Germany
Neutrality Act
Japan Defeats China
Roosevelt Limits Ships to Asia
Roosevelt forbids United States ships from carrying weapons and other arms to China or Japan -
Attack of the Panay
U.S. Against Japan
March of Time
Hitler Begins Supporting Japan
Mussolini Joins Hitler
Hitler is Time Magazine "Man of the Year"
Hitler Defeats France
Roosevelt Reelected for a Third Term
Hitler Seizes Low Countries
Italy Attacks France
France Surrenders to Germany
Roosevelt Aids Britain
The Blitz Begin
Germany Invades the Soviet Union
Pearl Harbor
Hitler Commits Suicide
Germany Surrenders
WW2 Ends
First Organ Transplant
Korean War Starts
Joseph Stalin Dies
DNA Discovered
First Atomic Submarine is Launched
Racial Segregation Ruled Unconstitutional in Public Schools
Vietnam War Begins
'Sputnik' Soviet Satellite is Launched
NORAD Radar System Implemented
Alaska Becomes Part of the United States