WW2 Interactive Timeline

  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    The Beer Hall Putsch was held in Munich, Germany and was a a failed attempt to overthrow the German Government lead by Hitler. This is important because it was the first time Hitler had any sort of attention towards him. Hitler would use this to start to grow his power in Germany.
  • Adolf Hitler becoming Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler becoming Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler is appointed Chancellor on January 30th, 1933 by Paul Von Hindenburg. Hitler was appointed Chancellor because of the power he and his party had gained. This is important because it is the first big political position Hitler has taken.
  • Hitler Becomes Fuhrer

    Hitler Becomes Fuhrer
    Shortly after becoming Chancellor, Paul Von Hindenburg dies. Hitler appoints himself both Fuhrer and Chancellor of Germany. This is important because it marks the start of Hitlers dominance in Germany
  • Hitler invades Austria

    Hitler invades Austria
    German troops invade Austria. The event is called The Anschluss. The Anschluss was among the first steps in Hitler's plan to grow Germany and take back the lands and territories that the German Empire had lost after the World War 1. This is important because it signifies the start of Hitlers reign in Europe. Taking the country that he was born in.
  • The Munich Pact

    The Munich Pact
    The Munich pact was an agreement between France, Britain, and Germany, after Hitler invades and controls Austria and Czechoslovakia, stating that if he stops invading and conquering other countries, France and Britain would not oppose Hitler, and he could keep Austria and Czechoslovakia. This is important because France and Britain assumed they wouldn't need to worry about him continuing to invade other countries. Hitler would later continue taking other countries and break the pact.
  • Hitler Breaks Munich Pact

    Hitler Breaks Munich Pact
    It only takes 6 months for Hitler to break the pact he makes with France and Britain. Hitler breaks the pact when he invades and takes the rest of Czechoslovakia. This is Important because the pact that France and Britain made was not successful and Hitler would continue to take and control a vast majority of Europe. Ruining France and Britain's plans to avoid war with Germany.
  • German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact

    German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
    The German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact was a pact made between the Soviet union and Germany. The pact said that Germany would not fight Russia and Russia would not fight Germany. The agreement also said that the two countries would split Poland. This is important because it would then make Britain and France declare war on Germany a few days after the agreement. Marking the official start of World War II.
  • Hitler Invades France

    Hitler Invades France
    Germany would invade France, a country that declared war on Germany. France knowing that they had no chance at beating Germany surrendered. They surrendered because they had realized they had chance and they wanted to preserved the city of Paris. This is important because the allies lose a key country in their efforts to win the war. It is also important because France was not destroyed in the process.
  • Tripartite Pact

    Tripartite Pact
    The Tripartite Pact was an agreement between Japan, Italy, and Germany to create an alliance. They would come together to create the Axis Powers. This is important because all three of the countries were very powerful at the time and creating an alliance really helped boost their power to take Europe. The pact was to last 10 years.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor took place on December 7th, 1941. It was an attack on the Naval Base in Honolulu, Hawaii by the Japanese. The attack put the US into the war. This is important because the US would later Bomb Japan twice killing hundreds of thousands of people. This would cause Japan to surrender.