Germany Invades Poland
Germany Invades Poland using Blitzkrieg tactics.
This event helps start WW2 -
Period: to
Britain and France Declare War on Germany
The war has offically started. -
Canada Declares War on Germany
Canada joins the war whithout being forced to.
Canda doesn't want to use conscription -
British Troops flee Dunkirk
The British Government asked anyone and everyone with a boat to go to Dunkirk and pick up the troops. -
France Surrenders to Germany
France Surrenders after the evacuation of Dunkirk -
Battle of Britain
Germany Bombs Britain hoping for a surrender, Dogfights happen all over the sky.
"Never was so much owed by so many to so few"
-Winston Churchill -
Japanese Attack U.S. Fleet at Pearl Harbor
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor and causes massive damage to some ships.
Brings the U.S. into war -
U.S. Enters The War
The U.S. declares war on Japan (3 days later on Germany) after the attack on Pearl Habor.
The worlds superpower is in the war now. -
Battle of Hong Kong
Canadians fight the Japanese in Hong Kong.
Many Canadians died or became P.O.W.s -
Canadian Troops Arrive in Hong Kong
Canadians arrive in Hong Kong and are attacked by the Japanese
A lot of Canadians died defending the city -
Canadians Vote 3 to 1 for conscription
Canadian Priminster Mackenzie King has to go back on his promise of no conscription. -
Dieppe Raid Ends in Disaster
Canadian troops storm the beach of Dieppe, but the invasion was a total failure.
Taught allies how not to do a beach invasion. -
Allies Invade Sicily
The Allied Forces start to invade Sicily.
Canadians earn the nickname mountian men from climbing a cliff to get to the enemy -
D-Day: Britain, America, and Canada Storm the shores of France
Allies start to push the Germans out of France.
Largest planed attack in human history -
VE Day ( Victory in Europe ) Germany Surrenders
Germany surrenders after Adolf Hitler Commits suicide. -
U.S. Drops Atomic bomb on Hiroshima
America doesn't want to invade Japan but wants them to surrender.
The begining of the Cold War -
U.S. Drops Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki
Japan didn't surrender after Hiroshima was bombed so the U.S. droped another.
Again the begining of the Cold War -
VJ Day (Victory in Japan) Japan Surrenders
Japan surrenders after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki