• Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    In August 1939 Germany began its attack on Poland after signing a nonaggression act. Hitler wanted to rule all of Europe and "Germanize" it. This ultimately led to the start of WW2 because Britain and France could no longer overlook Germans advancements
  • Paris is captured

    Paris is captured
    In June Germans marched into the city of Paris as French troops and civilians began to flee. Germany wanted to rule all of Europe and also stop the French resistance. Paris had fallen along with half of France.
  • The Battle of Britan begins

    The Battle of Britan begins
    In September 1940 German and British air crafts crashed above Britain. Although the first bombing of london was not intended to land directly in the center of London rather the outskirts of the city, Germany did not stop the attacks. After months of German bombing British military bases and civilians to no avail Britain finally won
  • Lend Lease : US to Britain

    Lend Lease : US to Britain
    In September 1940 the US began giving supplies to the allies but mostly Britain. Britain desperately needed aid. This gave them the help and materials they needed to fight the war against the Germans
  • The bombing of Pearl Harbor

    The bombing of Pearl Harbor
    In the December of 1941 in the early morning Japan launched an air raid on the military base in Peal Harbor. The Japanese thought if they could wipe out a large part of the US' military they would no longer pose a threat. This led to the US entering WW2
  • US and Germany Declare War on Each Other

    US and Germany Declare War on Each Other
    In December 1941 the US officially entered the war against Nazi Germany and against Japan, in response Germany declared war on the US. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor the US had no choice than to enter the war. Some can argue that if the US had never entered the war Hitler would have never been defeated
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    After decoding an intercepted message meant for the Japanese the US was able to see the attack coming and counterattack, they destroyed most of Japans air craft, which is something the Japanese did not prepare for. This allowed the allies to switch to a offensive attack rather than defensive.
  • Germany Invades the Soviet Union

    Germany Invades the Soviet Union
    After Germany invaded the Soviet Union they soon were defeated in one of the bloodiest battles in human history, the battle of Stalingrad where the Soviet army surrounded the Germans and wiped them out. This resulted in favor to the allies since it stopped Germans from further entering the Soviet union
  • D-Day

    On June 6th 1944 Canadian and American troops landed of the beaches of Normandy where they stormed the beaches and launched an air raid on German forces. They were trying to liberate Eastern Europe. This allowed eastern Europe to be liberated from the germans