ww2 events

  • Treaty of Versailles

    it was an act saying that germany had to pay for all the damages and take all responsibilty.
  • Mussolini take power in Italy

    Mussolini take power in Italy
    Mussolini toke power during ww1 but didn't become prime minister until ww2. He was origanlly a Socialist, he then became a Fascist
  • The Stock Market Crash

    The Stock Market Crash
    After ww1, many people invested heavily in the stock market in hopes of having a batter chance. It was one of the triggers for the great depression.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler had won the vote by promising lies and being charming.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

  • uly 17, 1936

    uly 17, 1936
    The spanish civil war last from july 1936 to April 1, 1939 was fought in spain.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis is signed

    Rome-Berlin Axis is signed
    a pact that linked Italy and Germany together. Was formally known as the Pact of Steel
  • Anshluss

    Anschluss was the Nazi propaganda term for the invasion and forced incorporation of Austria to Nazi Germany
  • Munich Conference

    This was a confrence with hitler and most european countries. They gave up Sudetenland, provided he promised not to invade anywhere else
  • Remilitarization of the Rhineland

    Hitler broke his military clause and started building an army in Rhineland. Years later, the Nazi party broke out of its broders.
  • Germany invades Czechoslovakia

    Chamberlain promised to defend poland, because hitler had attacked non-german Czechoslovakia
  • Soviet union pact

    Just befoe world war two broke out, the soveit union and Nazi Germany signed a pact that said they would not fight each other for the next 10 years
  • Invasion of poland

    This battle lasted 1 month at the begging of ww2, germany and the soviet union won.
  • Britain declares war on Germany

    The british prime minister tells hitler that unless he stops his acts of aggression, another war will happen.
  • Canada enters the war

    Canada enters the war
    Canada entered the war in the first month, sending troops to fight with the United Kingdom force (BEF).
  • Japan invades Manchuria

    Japans army invades the country immediately following the Mukden Incident. It only lasted until the end of WW2