Screen shot 2015 04 27 at 1.18.23 pm


  • German Friendship Treaty

  • worldl war 2 begins

  • national service act

  • Belgium announced they are neutral

  • Operation Sea Lion from Hitler

  • germans demand jews to wear yellow stars

  • 5th japans division maarch into North Vietnam.

  • Battle of the Alantic

  • pearl harbor

    japan bombs US we get into the war
  • germany surrendered

  • internment camps

  • Bttle of Stalingrad ends

  • Battle of Midway

  • italy surrendered

  • Battle of Hürtgen Forest

  • FDR dies

  • Battle of the Bulge

  • soviets take Berlin

  • hitler committs suicide

    with his wife
  • VE Day

  • world war 2 ends

  • truman gets military ready to drop a bomb

  • U.S bombs Hiroshima

  • U.S dombs Nagasaki

  • Jupan surrendered (VJ DAY)