Adolf Hitler becomes leader of Natzi party
Nazism is a form of fasism. -
Benito Mussolini appointed prime minister of Italy
threatened to overthrough Italys elected government. -
Josef Stalin sole dictator of the soviet union (USSR)
turned the soviet union into a totalitarian state -
Japan's army siezes Manchuria, China
league of nations protested but took no action -
Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany
Neutrality acts passed by us congress
italian army invades Ethopia in africia
Hitler sends troops into Rhineland of Germany in violation of the Vesallies treaty
Miliarist take control of Japanese government.
Like the Nazi's in Germany -
Japan's Army pillages Nanjing, China; massacre a quarter of a million people
Munich Pact signed giving the Sudetenland of Czechoslovackia to Germany.
Nazi's begin rounding up Jews for labor camps
Nazi Soviet Pact signed by Hitler and Stalin
Nazi's invade Poland: britian and frace declare war on germany