• Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    The polish army was rejected within weeks of the invasion that had obtain. Poland was to be hindrance between the two powers.
  • Germany Invaded France & Captured Paris

    Germany Invaded France & Captured Paris
    About six weeks from May 10 1940 through June 25 1940,Germany had surrender onto Belgium. Germany planned to use forces that distracted the Allies that would enter Belgium that would make French and British troops leave their current position.
  • U.S Gave Britain War Supplies & Old Naval Warships

    U.S Gave Britain War Supplies & Old Naval Warships
    During World War II, the United States began to provide military supplies and other assistance to the Allies.Nations committed in the struggle against Nazis and wanted to extend a helping hand to those countries that lacked the supplies necessary to fight against the Germans.
  • Germany bombed London & The Battle Of Britain Began

    Germany bombed London & The Battle Of Britain Began
    Instead of breaking fear, however, the raids only galvanised the will of the British people for the rest of the war. 1,000 German aircraft over 300 bombers escorted by 600 fighters crossed the Channel. It was the largest collection of aircraft ever seen.
  • Germany Invaded The Soviet Union

    Germany Invaded The Soviet Union
    They conducted a slow retreat as Soviet attacks threatened to envelop much of their forces in a defeat as disastrous Napoleon’s Grand Army in 1812.The greatest mistake that the Germans made was to come as conquerors, not as liberators they were determined to enslave the Slavic population and kill the Jews.
  • Japan Bombed Pearl Harbor

    Japan Bombed Pearl Harbor
    Japanese planes attacked the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory. The bombing killed more than 2,300 Americans. It destroyed the American battleship U.S.S.
  • Germany Declared War On The U.S & U.S Declared War On Japan And Germany

    Germany Declared War On The U.S & U.S Declared War On Japan And Germany
    Authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the United States and the resources of the Government to carry on war against the Imperial German Government. Also, bring the conflict to a successful termination all the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the United States
  • U.S Was Victorious Over Japan In The Battle Of Midway

    U.S Was Victorious Over Japan  In The Battle Of Midway
    Nimitz put U.S. carriers in a location to surprise the Japanese moving up for their preparatory air strikes on Midway Island itself. Torpedo bombers became separated from the American dive-bombers and were slaughtered ,but they diverted Japanese defenses just in time for the dive bombers to show up.
  • Allied Troops Landed In Normandy & D-Day Begins

    Allied Troops Landed In Normandy & D-Day Begins
    Allied forces came from the U.S, Britain, Canada, and French Free. There was about 209,000 allied casualties, and about 37,000 dead.
  • The U.S Dropped 2 Atomic Bombs On Japan

    The U.S Dropped 2 Atomic Bombs On Japan
    Enola Gay dropped a five ton bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. This atomic bomb killed 80,000 people instantly. A few days later is when Japan decided to surrender.