Germany poland september 1 1939

World War II

  • Adolf Hitler becomes the chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler becomes the chancellor of Germany
    Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany on January 13th 1933 by German president pole von Hindenburg this was a crucial turning point for Germany and the world his plan was to make Germany a powerful unified one party state
  • Russia and Germany sign pact

    Russia and Germany sign pact
    Germany and Russia agreed not to harm each other if war happened and share Poland
  • Britain rearms and reassures Poland

    Britain rearms and reassures Poland
    on the 25th of august 1939 a military alliance was formed between the UK and Poland this alliance was formalized by the anglow polish agreement for mutual assistance if Nazi Germany was to invade Poland
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
    at 4:45AM 1.5 million Nazi troops launched their attack on Poland it only took 5 days to force the polish army to retreat
  • Italy enters war on side of Axis powers

    Italy enters war on side of Axis powers
    mussolini declared war on british empire and french republic
  • France Signs armistice with Germany

    France Signs armistice with Germany
    On the 22nd of June the armistice divided France into 2 zones one to be of German military occupation and the other to be left to the French the agreement became effective at midnight on the 25th of June
  • Hitler invades Denmark & Norway

    Hitler invades Denmark & Norway
    This operation was known as Operation Weserubung Norway has not prepared in any way
    Denmark took less then 6 hours to surrender
    they took over Denmark's main army location with no problems
    it was a surprise invasion on Denmark and Norway
    Norway put up a resistance
    Germans gradually got control over Norway
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Operation Barbarossa was Hitlers invasion of the soviet union it was the largest military invasion in history
    The Russians pushed the Germans back
    it marked the beginning of the end for Hitler
    It was the first battle Hitler lost
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    the attack on pearl harbor was a surprise military attack by Japan against the American navy base at pearl harbor
    the pearl harbor attack was very important cause it brand the united states into the war
  • Axis surrenders in North Africa's

    Axis surrenders in North Africa's
    the allies advanced from the east and west and defeated the axis and forced the 250,000 troops out of north africa
  • Allies invade Sicily(Italy)

    Allies invade Sicily(Italy)
    Following the success in north Africa the allies aimed to open a new front by attacking Italy called operation husky
  • Italy surrenders

    Italy surrenders
    italy announced it was surrendering to the allies
    this marked a significant turning point in WW2
    as this showed that the axis power was weakening
    it was a day that bought hope as it signaled a possible end to the war that they had been fighting for years
  • Rome liberated

    Rome liberated
    Rome was the first to be liberated by the US fifth army from the Nazis.
    They hoped that taking control of the Italian capital would draw German troops away from France.
    on the 4th of June in 1944 Rome was declared an open city
  • Russians reach berlin

    Russians reach berlin
    in may 1945 the red army entered berlin and took control this was the final step in defeating Hitler and ending WW2 in Europe
  • Allies across the Rhine

    Allies across the Rhine
    This involved thousands of American troops the allied crossing of the Rhine river allowed US and British troops to advance rapidly into Germany this moment marked the impending collapse of Germany
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    On April 30th 1945 Hitter committed suicide and Germany had no more reasons to fight. They surrounded in the early morning of may 7th 1945 at supreme headquarters allied expeditionary force (SHAEF) at Reims in northeast France
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

    Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
    on august 6th 1945 the US dropped a atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, The bomb nicknamed 'Little Boy' was a uranium gun-type bomb. They believe between 90000 and 166000 died from the bomb in the 4months that followed.
  • Russia declares on Japan

    Russia declares on Japan
    The Soviet union officially declared war on Japan and sent more the 1Million soldiers into Japanese occupied Manchuria, North eastern China to fight the 700,000 Japanese soldiers
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki

    Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
    3 days after the bombing of Hiroshima the US would drop another atomic bomb this one was nicknamed Fat-Man.
    The Americas believed that dropping to bombs so close together would convince the Japanese they had plenty of atomic devices and would keep using them until Japan surrendered less then 1 second after the detonation more then 10% of the city's population were killed and within the next 4 months estimated 80,000 more casulaties
  • Japanese Surrender

    Japanese Surrender
    The surrender of Japan was announced by emperor Hirohito on the 15th of august and was formerly signed on the 2nd of September 1945 this event would mark the end of WW2