• Geneva Convention

    U.S decreased tensions between all countries. Tensions increased between U.S and Germany.
  • Period: to

    Neutrality Acts

    Acts used to keep U.S out of war. Increased tensions between U.S ad countries affected by the war that could use their help.
  • Nuremburg Laws

    Laws that discriminated against Jews in Germany. Increased tensions between Germany and U.S due to the atrocities.
  • Period: to

    Japan invades China

    U.S extended aid to China, which prompted Pearl Harbor. Increased tensions between U.S and Japan to the point of eventual war.
  • Period: to


    Showed U.S how evil Germany's prejudice towards Jews was. Heightened tensions between U.S and Germany
  • Period: to


    A military tactic used by Germany, Blitzkrieg was the reason for Germany's many victories. It escalated tensions between Germany and all countries involved.
  • Nonaggression Pact

    Britain and France essentially threatened war, Led to U.S involvement. Increased tensions between U.S and Germany.
  • Poland Ceased to exist

    Hitler's invasion of Poland started the war. Increased tensions between U.S and Germany
  • Britain, Poland, France declare war

    In response to German invasion of Poland. Increased tensions between U.S and Germany because U.S was allied with all of them
  • Cash And Carry

    Decreased tensions between U.S and Europe, Increased tensions between them and the Axis.
  • Luftwaffe and RAF bombings

    Failed air raid against Britain. Increased tensions between U.S and Germany because Britain was an ally.
  • Period: to

    Hitler invades Denmark, Etc.

    Showed Germany's prowess at combat. Pressured U.S to join war, increasing the tensions between U.S and Germany.
  • Period: to

    Hitler invades and splits France

    This threatened the alliances between France and its allies. Further increased tensions between U.S and Germany.
  • Period: to

    Liberation of concentration camps

    Increased tensions between U.S and Germany because they were raiding the German camps and freeing the Jews imprisoned.
  • Selective Training Service Act

    Increased tension between U.S and axis because it was seen as a potential wartime draft. Namely increased tensions between U.S and Germany.
  • Tripartite pact

    United countries against U.S. Increased tensions between U.S and all of said countries.
  • Lend Lease plan

    Allowed FDR to lend arms to Britain. Increased tensions between U.S and Germany because U.S was taking a side.
  • Hitler breaks Stalin Agreement

    Increased tensions between SU and Germany, which in turn increased tensions between U.S and Germany.
  • Executive order #8802

    Prevented racial discrimination in the defense industry. Bettered our relationships in Europe
  • U.S cutoff trade

    Retaliation against Japan's occupation of China. Froze Japanese assets and increased tensions.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Outlined goals for the war,
    Slightly increased tensions between U.S and Britain due to an unsatisfactory experience
  • Soviet Union Annex Baltic states

    The Annexation pressured the U.S into war. Increased tensions between U.S and Germany.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Caused tensions between Japan and the U.S to increase massively. Caused U.S to enter the war.
  • U.S declares war

    In direct response to Pearl Harbor. Increased tensions between U.S and Germany, and Japan.
  • Period: to


    Russia successfully defended Stalingrad, hurting Germany very badly. Extremely long and violent.
  • Period: to


    U.S surrender. Forced U.S men into camps, increased tensions.
  • U Boast attacks

    Attacks focused on halting U.S shipping to Britain. Controlled the east coast waters.
  • Executive order #9066

    Used to hurt Japan. Increased tensions between Japan and the U.S.
  • Period: to


    Us Navy victory. Defense of Midway island.
  • Period: to

    El Alemain

    Britain overwhelms German and Italian troops. Withdraws men to Tunisa.
  • Period: to

    Island Hopping strategy

    A very costly wartime strategy that was employed by the U.S. Consisted of taking over Japanese islands and then hopping to the next one in order to have an attack on Japan.
  • D-Day

    Allowed allies to control Western Europe. Allied liberation
  • Period: to

    Battle of Bulge

    Final Major offensive with Hitler. Allied victory
  • Korematsu VS. U.S

    Racist towards the Japanese. Increased tensions between U.S and Japan.
  • Yalta conference

    Discussed postwar org. Between U.S, Britain, Soviet Union
  • Period: to

    Iwo Jima

    U.S decimated Japanese troops. Very violent.
  • VE day

    Celebrate victory in Europe. No effect on tensions.
  • Potsdam conference

    Truman, Churchill, Stalin. Decided how to administer Germany.
  • Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima

    U.S dropped bomb on Hiroshima in order to end war. Massively escalated tensions between the two countries.
  • Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki

    Dropped after Hiroshima and Japan's refusal to surrender following that event. This caused them to surrender, causing the tensions between the two countries to dissipate.
  • VJ day

    Celebrating victory against Japan. Ended WW2. No tensions.