• Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    Hitler wanted to split the allied armies in Northwestern Europe by a surprise attack from Ardennes to Antwerp. The Germans surprised them and tried to go deeper into the territory. The allies regrouped and were waiting for the Germans. When the Germans approached them, they were described to look like a large bulge. The Germans were defeated by the allies.
  • Dunkirk

    Dunkirk is a town in the North of France with a 21 mile distance from England . Germany blitzkrieged Dunkirk, and pushed the allied troops to the North of France and were surrounded by the Germans. Their only hope were small boats to evacuate them. The Dunkirk evacuation showed the power of allied war effort.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    After France was defeated the UK first tried to negotiate with Adolf Hitler but failed, the Germans spent months waiting for them to surrender but then started going after their air bases because they didn’t know Britain's vulnerabilities
  • Leningrad

    After Germany invaded the soviet union, they headed towards Leningrad. Germany and Germany's allies had completely surrounded Leningrad, but Leningrad stabilized and had over 200,000 soldiers there. In 1943, the soviet union broke the circlement of Germany and allowed for supplies to be given to them. This stopped the town from starving, and drove Germany away.
  • Stalingrad

    germans attempted to attack and take control of stalingrad as it was a key point in taking the USSR but the germans attacked in the russian winter and even though the USSR was low on troops they still fought off the germans and protected stalingrad
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    The U.S. and the UK planned to invade French northern Africa. They postponed the attack until 1944 which gave the U.S. more time to mobilize and build weapons, which ended up helping them a lot.
  • D-Day

    The battle was on the coastline of a heavily fortified Normandy, France. 9,000 soldiers were killed/wounded which allowed the soldiers to start crossing Europe to defeat Hitler’s troops. Dwight Eisenhower commanded the operation. D-Day was an international effort made by 12 countries against Germany.
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    The battle was between the Soviet Union and the German Army in the city of Berlin. The Soviets outnumbered the Germans by a lot which after fighting led to the Germans surrendering. This was the last major battle in Europe. This was significant because it led to Germany's surrender against the allies, ending the last major battle in Europe.