WW2 by Mia and Aj

  • Japanese Invastion Of Manchuria

    Japanese Invastion Of Manchuria
    The Japanese invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria in 1931
  • Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany

    Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany
    German president Paul Von Hindenburg appoints Nazi leader Adolf Hitler as Chancellor at the head of a coalition
  • Nanking Massacre

    Nanking Massacre
    Japanese butchered an estimated 150,000 male war prisoners and raped at least 20,000 women and girls of all ages and then they were killed at the end of it.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    During this leaders of Great Britain, France, and Italy agreed to allow Germany to annex certain areas of Czechoslovakia.
  • Kristallnacht

    When the German Nazis attacked Jewish people and their property, The name Kristallnacht refers Ironically to the litter of broken glass left in the streets after these programs.
  • Non-Aggression is signed

    Non-Aggression is signed
    The countries agreed that they would not attack each other and secretly divided the countries that lay between them.
  • Dunkirk

    The evacuation involved the rescue of 338,000 people.
  • The fall of paris

    The fall of paris
    German assault on northwest Europe known as the battle of France.
  • The Blitz

    The Blitz
    The campaign for the aerial bombing attack on British towns and cities was carried out by German air forces
  • selective training and service act passed

    selective training and service act passed
    Is required all men between the ages of 21-25 to register for the draft.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    The code name for Adolf Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union
  • attack on pearl harbor

    attack on pearl harbor
    Japanese filled the sky over Pearl Harbor, and bombs and bullets rushed onto vessels moored below. 1,800 smashed through the desk of the battleship USS and landed her forward ammunition magazine
  • Bataan death march

    Bataan death march
    They were forcing 60,000-80,000 Filipino and American prisoners of war to march throughout the Philippines
  • battle of midway

    battle of midway
    The United States Destroyed Japan's first-line carrier strength and most of its best-trained navel pilots
  • battle of stalingrad

    battle of stalingrad
    When Germany and its allies sought control over this city in southern Russia
  • battle of okinawa

    battle of okinawa
    Okinawa dug out for nearly three months and included some of the worst kamikazes attacks of the war
  • D-Day

    Brought together the land, air, and sea forces of the allied armies in what became known as the largest invasion force in human history
  • Yalta conference

    Yalta conference
    3 Leaders coordinated their military strategy against Germany and Japan
  • battle of iwo jima

    battle of iwo jima
    America invaded the island and the ensuing battle of Iwo and which lasted for about 5 weeks
  • Hitler dies

    Hitler dies
    Hitler commits suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule and shooting himself in his head
  • Ve-day

    Germany unconditionally surrounded ts military force
  • Building the atomic bomb

    Building the atomic bomb
    The world's first atomic bomb got dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima
  • vj-day

    Marks the end of ww2 and was one of the world's deadliest/most destructive wars in history