WW2 battles

By Yxg0151
  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    The combatants of the battle were the German Nazis, the Soviet Union, and Poland. This battle marked the beginning of World War II. As a result, Poland was defeated and Germany and the Soviet Union split and annexed the entire Poland. [Link text] (https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/invasion-of-poland-fall-1939)
  • Battle of Belgium

    Battle of Belgium
    The battle was Belgium and Germany, located in Belgium and Luxembourg. This battle was Germany's war of aggression against European countries during World War II. The result of this battle was the surrender of Belgium, and Germany successfully occupied Belgium.
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  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    This Battle fought in England, England and Germany fought in this battle. The British battle was an important battle in World War II. Germany wanted to invade Britain after conquering most European countries, but they first needed to destroy the British air force to prepare for the invasion. Although the Germans had more aircraft, the British won the battle, Britain was not defeated, and Germany was unsuccessful.
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  • Battle of Crete

    Battle of Crete
    This battle is one of the most important battles. It is the Greek defense battle against the Nazis. It is crucial to the final defeat of Hitler. Although Germany won the battle, the battle caused the German paratroopers to suffer tremendously. Loss after Hitler no longer uses airborne strategy
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  • Battle of Moscow

    Battle of Moscow
    The Moscow battle took place in Moscow with participants from Germany and the Soviet Union. This battle was Hitler's all-out attack on the Soviet capital, but the Soviet Union launched a strategic defense. The result was a Soviet victory, which was the beginning of a counterattack by the Soviet Union.
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  • Battle of Kursk

    Battle of Kursk
    This fought In Russia. The battle was fought by Germany and Soviet Union. Germany planned a surprise attack on Kursk in the hope of destroying the Soviet army and occupying Western Russia. Eventually the Soviet Union won the battle. This battle marked the end of Germany's offensive on the eastern front and paved the way for the Soviet offensive.
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  • Monte Cassino

    Monte Cassino
    The battle was for the Allies and Germany, and the location was central Italy. The result was the withdrawal of the Germans from the Gustav Line, which successfully opened the way to Rome.
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  • Battle of Anzio

    Battle of Anzio
    The battle was fought by the United States, Britain and Canada against Germany and Italy, taking place in Anzio and Nettuno. The battle forced the Germans to withdraw troops elsewhere, weakening their overall strategic position. Germany repulsed the Allies in this battle.
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  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    This battle took place in the Ardennes region, east of Belgium. It was a war between German and Western allies. The purpose of the offensive was to stop allies from using Belgian ports. It was the Germans who could destroy the Four Allies. The result was an Allied victory, the German offensive depleted their resources on the Western Front, and the collapse of Germany opened the way for the Allies to finally break the line of defense
  • Battle of Berlin

    Battle of Berlin
    This battle was the last major war between the Soviet Union and Germany in Berlin. The battle destroyed the German Nazis and the Soviet Union won. Hitler committed suicide and the death of other senior Nazi officials, the Berlin garrison unconditionally surrendered, World War II ended in Europe, and Nazi Germany ended.
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