WW2 battles

  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    • This begins WW2
    • Germany uses blitzkrieg to overpower Polish army
    • Britain and France declare war on Germany
    • Make it to Warsaw in less than a month
    • Germany begins enforcing racial policies
    • Jews had to wear white armbands with blue Stars of David
    • Expelled 1000's of Poles and replaced them with Germans
  • Battle of Britain (The Blitz)

    Battle of Britain (The Blitz)
    • Germany launched attacks against British shipping to prevent needed supplies from getting back
    • Germany planned to gain air superiority to invade Great Britain
    • Test of strength between German Air Force and Royal Air Force
    • Major air campaign
    • Luftwaffe (German Air Force) was defeated by RAF, forcing Hitler to abandon invasion plans
  • Battle of Moscow

    Battle of Moscow
    • Original blitzkrieg invasion plan called for the capture of Moscow, Russia
    • Offensive was slowed by weather conditions
    • Soviet Siberian troops prepared for winter warfare attacked German forces, defeating the threat
    • One of the largest battles during the war - over a million total casualties
    • Marked a turning point since Germany began fighting that they were forced into a major retreat
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    • Surprise attack on U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii
    • Bombs were deployed by the Japanese
    • Japan combined fleet had planned attack on U.S. pacific fleet
    • U.S. became actively involved in the war after the attack
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    • Allied invasion of French North Africa to draw axis forces away from Eastern front
    • To help relieve pressure on Soviet Union
    • U.S. and Britain had to combat French resistance
    • American and British forces finally seized offensive after 3 years
    • Roosevelt, Churchill, and others then met at Casablanca to determine next steps for defeating axis powers
  • Operation Overlord/ D-Day

    Operation Overlord/ D-Day
    • U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, and other allies landed on beaches in Normandy, France to attack German Forces
    • Thousands of paratroopers and glider troops were behind enemy lines
    • Northwestern France liberated from Germany
    • Turning point for Germany
    • Prevented Hitler from sending troops to build up Eastern front against Soviets
  • Hiroshima/ Nagasaki

    Hiroshima/ Nagasaki
    • American B-29 bomber dropped the world's first deployed atomic bomb over Japanese city of Hiroshima
    • Japan rejected allied demand for surrender - threatened with "prompt and utter destruction"
    • Hiroshima - first target - Japan did not surrender
    • Second plutonium bomb dropped at Japanese city of Nagasaki
    • Japan then surrenders
    • 70-135,000 deaths in Hiroshima
    • 60-80,000 deaths in Nagasaki