Ww2 battles

By Njh8066
  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    After hitler had said they wouldn’t invade Poland, they did it anyway. Germany, Russia, and slovakia all invaded Poland and completely overpowered the polish army. This marked the start of the war and eventually led to WW2. Because France and the UK made an alliance with Poland this sparked the start of the war.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    The Battle of Britain was a defensive battle for Britain’s Air Force against large air attacks from the nazi germany Air Force. This was the first major battle using entirely Air Force. This resulted in a British victory and overall caused hitler to cancel a large scale naval, and air attack on Great Britain.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Operation Barbarossa was a Axis offensive on the Soviet Union. The goal was to take over the western Soviet Union to replace all the people with German people. The countries germany, Romania, Finland, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, and Croatia, fought against the Soviet Union and reunited in a soviet victory. This battle was the largest offensive of WW2 with 3.8 million personnel for axis and 2.9 million personnel for Russia.
  • Battle of Moscow

    Battle of Moscow
    The battle of Moscow was a German offensive to take the city of Moscow in Russia. The countries fighting where germany and Russia and resulted in a win for the soviets and a start to Russian counter offensives. After a million total casualties, this battle kept the Germans from taking the Russian capital.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack by Japanese fighter planes on the U.S. naval base in Hawaii. All 8 battle ships where damaged, and 4 where sunk, which was very successful for japan. This is the battle that made the U.S. officially Join the war against japan and Germany. Before this the U.S. tried to stay out of the war and after this they went all in.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was a surprise attack by Japanese planes on the United States Navy base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This battle marked the day that the U.S. officially entered the war against Germany and japan. Before this, the U.S. wanted to stay out of the war at all costs, but afterwards they went all in.
  • Stalingrad

    The battle of Stalingrad was between Germany, Romania, Croatia, Hungary, and Italy, fighting against Russia for the Russian city of Stalingrad. This was the deadliest, and largest battle of WW2 with 2.2 million personnel, and 1.8 million casualties. Russia won the battle due to Germany underestimating the Soviet’s reserves, they ordered that anyone strong enough to hold a rifle should fight.
  • Monte casino

    Monte casino was a series of 4 offensives by the allied powers in Italy. The UK, U.S., India, France, Poland, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and Italy all fighting against germany. Around 240,000 men and 1900 tanks resulted in 55,000 casualties and a allied victory. This opened the route the allies had needed in order to win the war and was one of the most important battles of ww2.
  • Invasion of Normandy

    Invasion of Normandy
    In northern France, on the beaches of Normandy, the allied powers launched the largest amphibious attack in all of history. In this battle the UK, U.S., and Canada fighting against German forces. This resulted the an allied victory and Germany was forced to retreat further east. This is considered the most significant allied victory in WW2.
  • Battle of the bulge

    Battle of the bulge
    The battle of the bulge was a large German offensive on the western front during WW2. The goal was to surround the allied forces and cause them to surrender. The U.S., UK, Canada, and France, all fought against germany to eventually defeat the Germans. This was the last major German offensive of WW2 and overall secured the allied victory.