major European wars

By 92506
  • battle of france/miracle of dunkirk

    battle of france/miracle of dunkirk
    -became the biggest evacuation in history
    -there were about 700 little ships
    -over 200 ships/boats were lost
    -there was about 40,000 British troops that never made it back to the channel
    - General Alan Brooke said "nothing but a miracle can save the BEF now"
  • battle of of britain

    battle of of britain
    -the battle got its name before it started
    -Hitler wanted Britain to surrender without a fight
    -first battle fought almost completely in the air
    -Hitler chose to bomb London, which ended up putting the war it Britain favor
    -Germany continued bombing even after the war ended
  • Battle of leningrad

    Battle of leningrad
    -about 632000 died
    - about 4,000 people starved to death on Christmas day
    -ended January 27,1944
    - Finnish joined Germans
    - to stay war, residents burned books
  • battle of stalingrad

    battle of stalingrad
    -the battle was well known for taking place on the streets
    - about 4,000 men from the soviet union were killed
    - about 850,000 men from Germany were killed
    -Hitler surrendered against his will
    -because of all of the bombing the air smelt like decaying corpses
  • operation torch

    operation torch
    -479+ allies were killed
    -1346 axis powers were killed
    -lasted 2 days
    -it was the first time britan and america planned together.
    -Britain and america were commanded by general Dwight d Eisenhower.
  • operation torch

    operation torch
    479+ allies were killed
    1346 axis powers were kiled
    lasted 2 days
    it was the first time britian and america planned together
    britian and america were commanded by general dwight d. eisenehowe
  • d-day

    • american troops landed on Normandy beaches -160000 troops died -half of the Americans invaded western Europe -turning point in ww2
    • Germans were overwhelmed
  • D-Day

    • american troops landed on Normandy beaches
    • 160000 troops died
    • half of the Americans invaded western Europe
    • turning point in world war 2
    • Germans were overwhelmed
  • Battle of the bulge

    Battle of the bulge
    • Hitler attempted to split the allied armies by surprise
    • Americans fought a desperate battle against the Germans
    • major German offensive camp
    • largest battle fought on western front
    • intended to drive a wedge between the american and British armies
  • Battle of berlin

    Battle of berlin
    • one of the most intense battles in human history
    • around 150,000 Polish soldiers fought alongside the Soviet Union. -the battle left over one million Germans without homes, clean , water, or food.
    • this battle resulted in the defeat of the Germans and the death of Adolf Hitler
    • this battle led to the result of the allies and the soviet winning the war.