50 most important dates in U.S History

  • The United States Army is established

    when Congress adopted "the American continental army" after reaching a consensus position in The Committee of the Whole.
  • The United States Marine Corps is established

    responsible for conducting expeditionary and amphibious operations with the United States Navy as well as the Army and Air Force.
  • Declaration of Independence

    This was when there was freedom of the thirteen American colonies from Great Britain by Thomas Jefferson
  • The Continental Congress approves the Articles of Confederation

    This was when that had granted powers to the states and to the federal government.
  • French join the war against the British

    This is when France became an official ally of the United States through the Treaty of Alliance.
  • The Treaty Paris

    This was a peace treaty between the United States and Britain that ended the American Revolutionary War
  • The delegates at the Philadelphia convention approve the Constitution

    when the according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
  • Nineteenth Amendment

    prohibits the states and the federal government from denying the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex.
  • George Washington inaugurated as President of the United States

    The nation's first quadrennial presidential election, in which he was elected unanimously.
  • Telegraph invented

    transmition of electrical signals over a wire laid between stations
  • The Bill of Rights is ratified by 3/4ths of the states

    1939 on the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Bill of Rights by the First Congress
  • Louisiana Purchase

    when the U.S provided a powerful impetus to westward expansion, and confirmed the doctrine of implied powers of the federal Constitution.
  • Slave trade ended

    when there was a stop of selling of human beings as slaves,
  • War with England

    a conflict fought between the United States and the United Kingdom, with their respective allies
  • Trail of Tears

    Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present-day Oklahoma.
  • Texas Revolution

    was a rebellion of colonists from the United States and Tejanos in putting up armed resistance to the centralist government of Mexico
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Mexican troops under President General Antonio López de Santa Anna r
  • Gold Rush

    rapid movement of people to a newly discovered goldfield
  • The Civil War

    southern states over slavery, states' rights and westward expansion
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free
  • Reconstruction

  • Civil Rights Act of 1875

    was a United States federal law enacted during the Reconstruction era in response to civil rights violations against African Americans.
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Death of Abraham by shot by someone else
  • Spanish American War

    conflict between Spain and the United States in 1898.
  • The United States annexes Guam, the Phillipines, and Puerto Rico.

    an American campaign to strip Spain of its overseas colonies
  • Human rights

    a right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person.
  • World War I (WWI)

    , was a global war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918.
  • The Panama Canal opens for business

    make a faster way to the West Coast for American settlers in the 19th Century.
  • The Treaty of Versailles is signed, ending World War I.

    ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers
  • First radio broadcast in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    was the first broadcasting of radio KDKA
  • Charles Lindbergh

    U.S. Air Mail pilot to instantaneous world fame by winning the Orteig Prize for making a nonstop flight from New York to Paris. Stlouis
  • Black Tuesday

    share prices on the New York Stock Exchange completely collapsed, becoming a pivotal factor in the emergence of the Great Depression.
  • ww1

    The vast majority of the world's countries—including all the great powers—eventually formed two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis.
  • Pearl Harbor

    military strike by the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service upon the United States against the naval base at Pearl Harbor
  • DDay

    American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France's Normandy regio
  • 1st atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.

    dropped the world's first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima.
  • The Cold War began between the United States and the Soviet Union

    The Americans and the British worried that Soviet domination in eastern Europe might be permanent.
  • Baby Boom

    marked by a significant increase of birth rate.
  • Korean War

    proxy war between the nrth and the south
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that U.S. state laws establishing racial segregation in public schools are unconstitutional,
  • Vietnam War

    Second Indochina War, and in Vietnam as the Resistance War Against America
  • Sputnik Satellite

    irst artificial Earth satellite.
  • irst artificial Earth satellite.

    NASA was established in 1958, succeeding the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
  • Civil Rights Act of 1960

    is a United States federal law that established federal inspection of local voter registration polls
  • Fall Of the Berlin Wall

    the falling of the Iron Curtain and the start of the fall of communism
  • Assassination of John F. Kennedy

    whwn kennedy was kilt
  • apallo 11

    Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon.
  • Watergate

    scandal in the United States involving the administration of President Richard Nixon from 1972 to 1974 that resulted in the end of Nixon's presidency
  • Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm)

    buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm in its combat phase, was a war waged by coalition
  • September 11th

    The September 11 attacks were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday,