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WW2 After pearl harbor

  • Pearl Harbor attack

    Pearl Harbor attack
    The japense attack the united statea naval base at pearl hebor, drawing the U.S. into world war 2
  • Christmas of 1941

    Christmas of 1941
    christmas of 1941, millions of people lost thiers homes and millionns more lost their lives. the worl has been devastated by war.
  • the battle of the atlantic

    the battle of the atlantic
    in ten months the allies lost over 500 ships and on thos ships were much needed supplies for the fighting fronts.
  • Pacific Front

    Pacific Front
    the Japanese conquer Hong Kong, Guam, the Philippines and many other locations.
  • the North African Front

    the North African Front
    the british emipre and french troops had to retreat before the german advance. they retreat to the suez canal.
  • The Battle of the Midway

    The Battle of the Midway
    U.S. attaack the japenese ships at the Midway. it was an air attack on the sea.
  • Yalta Confrence

    Yalta Confrence
    President Roosevelt and Stalin meet here to discuss peace.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    Germany formally surrenders.
  • U.S. bombing of japan

    U.S. bombing of japan
    The U.S. drops two atomic bombs on japan in two cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • Germans surrender to Russians

    Germans surrender to Russians
    German general surrender to the Russians.