• Germany invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland
    This event is significant in the war bescause it resulted in britain and france declaring war on germany
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    This battle was not only solely faught in the air, but also was won by the Royale air force, (RAF). This victory denied germanys invasion over britain. took place between july 10th 1940 - Oct. 31 1940
  • Bombing of Pearl Harbor

    Bombing of Pearl Harbor
    This suprise attack by Japans airforce at pearl harbor in Honolulu caused The United states to enter war moments after the devestation.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Major turning point in the war that ended all plans of Nazi germany taking over europe. Russia forced Nazi armies to retreat towards germnay putting them on the offensive.
  • Storming the beach of normandy

    Storming the beach of normandy
    With the combined forces of america, british, and canadian troops, over 156,000 troops stormed 50 miles worth of normandys heavily guarded beaches. The allied forces ended up winning causing another huge shift in the war.
  • Hitlers death

    Hitlers death
    holed up in a bunker under his headquarters in Berlin, Adolf Hitler commits suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule and shooting himself in the head. This eventually leads to the downfall off Nazi germany, because without their leader, an army is nothing.
  • VE day

    VE day
    germany unconditionaly surrendered all its mlitary forces to the allies including the united states. This marked the end of the war with nazi germany, although not the end of the whole war.
  • Little boy

    Little boy
    The first atomic bombto be dropped on japan caode named, ¨little boy¨ landed on Hiroshima august 6th, 1945 killing from 30 to 80k. this was the first ever nuclear weapon used warfare, and wouldnt be the last. It was dropped off by the oeing b-29 superfortress enola gay piloted by colonel paul w.
  • Fat man

    Fat man
    This was the second nuclear bomb dropped specifically on nagasaki japan, code named ¨Fat Man¨, killed around 140k people desttroying around 5 square miles of city, being the more devastating out of the two. After this was dropped japan shortly surrendered hopping a 3rd wasnt dropped , which there was not.
  • VJ day

    VJ day
    This day marked the end of the entire war, and the day the japanese surrenders.