• Stalin appointed general secretary

    Stalin appointed general secretary
    Stalin was appointed the General secretary of the soviet union.
  • Mussolini becomes prime minister

    Mussolini becomes prime minister
    Mussolini is declared the prime minister of Italy.
  • FDR elected

    FDR elected
    Franklin D Roosevelt is elected president of the United states
  • Hitler is elected

    Hitler is elected
    Hitler was the instigator of world war 2. He was elected president of Germany
  • Non agression pact singned

    Non agression pact singned
    Hitler and Stalin signed a non aggression pact. Meaning Germany and the soviet union would not fight against each other.
  • Winston Churchill elected

    Winston Churchill elected
    Winston Churchill is elected prime minister of England.
  • pearl harbor was bombed

    pearl harbor was bombed
    The Japanese bombed the Hawaiian base pearl harbor. This attack made America join world war 2
  • japanese internment camps enacted

    japanese internment camps enacted
    people of Japanese or Asian descent where sent to internment camps regardless of affiliation or citizenship.
  • Manhattan project

    Manhattan project
    The Manhattan project was the development of the first nuclear bomb.
  • D-day

    America did a coastal invasion of Normandy, france. This was a victory for the allied forces
  • Yalta confrence

    Yalta confrence
    This was a meeting between Franklin D Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin.
  • Hiroshima was bombed

    Hiroshima was bombed
    The first ever atomic bomb was dropped in the city of Hiroshima.
  • VE day

    VE day
    This stands for victory in Europe day. It was a celebration to declare the end of the war in Europe
  • VJ day

    VJ day
    this stands for Victory over Japan day. It celebrates the defeat of japan
  • end of the war

    end of the war
    World war 2 had officially ended.