World War II Timeline

  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    The reason why Hitler wanted to invade Poland was because Hitler had a huge desire for Lebensraum. Nazi Germany invaded Poland to the east on September 9, 1939. This promoted Britain and France to defend Poland and declare war on Germany.
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    Fall of France ⚠️🗼

    After WWI France built the Maginot Line along its borders. Germans bypassed the border the French built, they also took control of the capital. French government surrender after they notice what happen.
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    Battle of Britain 🛩️💣

    On The Battle of Britain the German Air Force launch air raids (bombs) on Britain. Despite everything the British Air Force repelled the German attacks through air. This lead to the strategic victory for the allies.
  • Pearl Harbor attack

    Pearl Harbor attack
    Pearl Harbor was an American naval base in the Hawaiian islands. Japan attacked them due to its expansionists ambitions. This was a surprise for the Hawaiians. This promoted the entry of the USA to the war.
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    Operation Barbarossa 🥶❄️

    On June, 1941 Nazi Germany launched the largest invasion against its own ally the Soviet Union. Although Germany begin this the USSR ended controlling Berlin and making the Germans to retreat. This ended on December, 1941.
  • USA declares war

    USA declares war
    USA was sure they won’t get into the war in case of being attacked. They get in the war because Japan attacked Hawaii. They send their troops and they were very strong because they were a big army and had many weapons.
  • Mexico declares war

    Mexico declares war
    Mexico joined the war because of being attacked. A boat of them were accidentally sink by the Germans. So Mexico send allies to US to join the war.
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    Battle of Midway ✈️

    The US navy decisively defeated the Japanese fleet. They successfully countered Japanese expansion, weakened Japan’s naval power, and more people were in favor of the allies. This made an island-hoping campaign.
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    Project of Manhattan 🧨

    The manhattan project was a US SECRET PROGRAM. The US developed the first nuclear weapons. This was led by the American J. Robert Oppenheimer.
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    Battle of Stalingrad 🔫

    German forces tried to capture the Soviet city on Stalingrad. They failed due to Soviet resistance and Harsh winter conditions.German soldiers retreated and they mark the beginning of the Soviet advance toward Berlin.
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    Operation Overlord ⛵️

    The allied invasion of Normandy coordinated the attack of about 1.5 million of British, Canadian and American soldiers. Germans fortified the are with barbed wire, bunkers and mines. After fighting the allied forces won and pave the way for the liberation of France and Europe.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    Hitler committed suicide because he was losing and he betrayed all his allies so he had no one else to make team with. When the allies found out they were all happy. At last German leaders surrender and so do their soldiers.
  • VE Day - Victory in Europe

    VE Day - Victory in Europe
    After the Soviet Battle of Stalingrad and allied invasion of Normandy, the allied forces advanced to Germany. The Soviet Red army reached Berlin and bombed it constantly. Hitler and some officials committed suicide and on May 8, 1945, the war ended.
  • Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    This 2 nuclear bombs are the only ones that have been use and caused much damage. The first one was dropped on Hiroshima and was codename as “little boy”. The second one was dropped on Nagasaki and was codename as “Fat man”. This bombs destroyed almost everything and caused very bad effects.
  • VP Day - Victory in the Pacific

    VP Day - Victory in the Pacific
    Japanese were shocked because of the US dropping them nuclear bombs. That finally ended the war, it lasted around 6 years. Also ended with the unconditional surrender of both Germany and Japan. This was the deadliest conflict.