• Invasion of Manchuria

    Japan invaded Manchuria (China)
  • Adolf Hitler

    Hitler became a cancellor in Germany
  • Germany abandoned The League of Nations

    Hitler took out Germany of The League of Nations
  • Conquest of Abyssinia

    Mussolini conquered Abyssinia
  • Hitler and Mussolini

    Hitler established and alliance with Mussolini
  • Hitler and Mussolini helped the Spanish Nationalist.

    When The Civil War broke out in Spain,Mussolini and Hitler helped the nationalist with troops and weapons.
  • Adolf Hitler sent German troops to the Rhineland

    Accoding to the Treaty of Versailles The Rhineland had to be a permantely non-militarised zone,but Hitler sent German troops
  • Invasion of China

    Japan invaded China.
  • Hitler invaded Austria

    Austria wanted to do a referendum for keeped the independence or not with Germany,but didn´t wait and invaded Austria
  • Pact of Steel

    Military coparation between Germany, Italy and Japan
  • Invasion of Poland

    Germany invaded Poland