Germany invaded Poland
Britain, Australa, New Zealand and France declare war on Germany
Royal Air Force attacks the German Navy
United States proclaims its neutrality
Canada declares war on Germany
Rationing begins in UK
Scapa Flow - Germans bomb Scapa Flow naval base near Scotland
Germany invades Denmark and Norway
Nazis invade France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands
Winston Churchill becomes British Prime Minister
Holland surrender
Belgium surrenders
British Expeditionary Force evacuated from Dunkirk
Italy declares war on Britain and France
Norway surrenders
German U-boats attack merchant ships in the Atlantic
France signs an armistice with Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler tours Paris
First German air raids on London
First British air raid on Berlin
German Blitz (Blitzkrieg) against Britain begins - London is a key target. Onslaught of German air raids on other major cities in England including Southampton, Bristol, Cardiff, Liverpool and Manchester
Italy invades Egypt
Victory for the RAF in the Battle of Britain
Pact signed by Germany, Italy and Japan
Germany invades Romania
Germany invades Romania
Hungary joins the Axis
Britain begin a desert offensive in North Africa against the Italians
Soviets begin an offensive against the Germans in Stalingrad
Germany invades Greece and Yugoslavia
Greece surrenders to Germany
Operation Husky - Allied landings in Sicily
Germans invade the Ukraine. Mutual Assistance agreement between British and Soviets
Instructions given by Hitler and Goring to prepare for the Final Solution
Operation Typhoon begins and the Germans advance on Moscow
Soviets re-capture Kiev
Italy and Germany declare war against the US
Britain surrenders Hong Kong to Japan
Soviets begin an offensive against the Germans in Stalingrad
Allied landings in Anzio
Patton relieves Bastogne
- Hungary occupied by German Army
Calais liberated