• Nazi Germany Invades Poland

    Nazi's invade Poland, the alleged start of WW2
  • German ‘Blitzkrieg’ overwhelms Holland, Belgium and France

    combined arms surprise attack using a rapid, overwhelming force
  • Evacuation of Dunkirk

    evacuation of more allied soldiers from north france
  • Battle of Britain

    RAF against the Luftwaffe
  • Blitz of Britain

    German bombing campaign against the United Kingdom
  • Allies take Tobruk

    The 6th Australian Division captured Tobruk from the Italians
  • Operation Barbarossa begins

    Invasion of the Soviet Union by Nazi Germany
  • Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour

    Surprise bombing by the Japanese on Hawaiian ship ports
  • The fall of Singapore

    Japan captured British/Singapore Stronghold
  • The Battle of Midway

    Naval battle in Pacific War
  • First news of Nazi atrocities towards Jews reaches Allies

    Allies find out the news of the holocaust
  • German forces surrender at Stalingrad

    Germany loses to cold Russian winter
  • D-Day landings

    Major naval Allied invasion of Normandy
  • Soviet liberation of Auschwitz

    Soviet army liberates the polish occupied zone of Auschwitz
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by US Forces

    USA relentlessly bombed Japan even after the end of the European war