• 1940

    Japanese Admiral Yamaoto reveals Operation Z ; an attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawii.
  • Period: to

    World War II

    World War II was the another awaken that Germany has caused but this time they are not giving up. Throughout that war, Hitler gains full power of Germany and starts to spread his way through the nation. In the Pacific, World War II has became very heated between Japan and the US when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 1940. After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, US joins with Britian, France, and Russia to take down Hitler and the Japanese.
  • Aug 1

    Aug 1
    USA states that they will no longer sell oil to Japan causing Japan to attack Pearl Harbor, Hawii.
  • The War Begins

    The War Begins
    BOOM !! On Decemeber 7, 1941 was a day the US will never forget. Pearl Harbor, Hawii has just been bombed by Japan leaving the US entering a world of war.
  • Through 1942

    Through 1942
    Throughout 1942, Japanese captures US owned Philippine Islands and expands throughout the Pacific to create a protective ring around Japan. In May of 1942, the allies successfully stop an invasion on Austia by the Japanese and on June 4-7 1942, was the turning point (aka. "Battle of Midway.")
  • 1942

    Relations between USA and Japan are now broken.
  • April 1943

    April 1943
    On April 18, 1943 Admiral Yamamoto was killed and on April 22 Japan announces that they will execute any captured US pilots.
  • 1944

    US bombers begin the first heavy bombing on Japan and first Japanese use of a suicide attack plan against the US. On November 24, US bombers bomb Tokyo.
  • February-January of 1945

    February-January of 1945
    On February 3, United States fire bombs on Tokyo and throughout February leading on to January, allies join to get and succeed at victory.
  • Throughout August of 1945

    Throughout August of 1945
    In May, Japan launches more than Kamikaze attacks against allies. Throughout the month of August 1945, US Air Corps drop single Atom Bomb on Japanese City of Hiroshima then drops the second Atom Bomb on Japanese city of Nagasaki.
  • Victory !!

    Victory !!
    On August 14, 1945, Japan agrees to unconditionally surrender to the US (US agrees not to put emperor on trail.)