• Hitler

    bad at school and rejected as an artist, this is how Hitler got his social views (social) social deals with people and he affected society a little bit
  • Weimar Republic

    created after imperial Germany ended, it was plagued by serious economic problems (political, social, military, economic) had a military, was a political group, affected people and the country
  • inflation

    a raise in prices (social, economic) it effects the well being of everyone as a whole
  • armistice

    Germany signed a truce to end the fighting (military) they were stopping a war
  • Paris Peace conference

    Delegates met here to determine a peace settlement. France wanted national security and others wanted Germany to pay. (military) it was about the war
  • Period: to


    during this time the french wanted strict reinforcement of the treaty of Versailles (political) country v country just wanted everyone to get along
  • Benito Mussolini

    set up the first European fascist movement in Italy. began his political career as a socialist.
  • Period: to

    Great Depression

    a period of low economic activity and rising unemployment (Social and economical)
  • Benito Musolini

    set up the first European facist movement in Italy. began his political career as a socialist but switched. (social, political)
  • New economic policy

    a modified version of the old capitalist system. Peasants were allowed to sell their produce openly. (social, political)
  • Reperations

    Germany owed 132 billion German marks
    (Economical, social)
  • Lenin

    abandoned war communism in favor of his New Economic Policy. (social, economic)
  • nazi party

    National Socialist German Workers Party is what it stands for and Hitler was the leader and they had a militia of 15,000 (political, military) it was a political group and had an army
  • Ruhr Valley

    Germany can't pay an instalment of the reperations so italy occupies the Ruhr valley (Military, political)
  • Fascism

    glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for a strong central government led by a dictator leader. Social economical political and military.
  • The soviet union

    here there were industrial and economical strikes that created more division. from this mussolini came out. (economical) there were economical strikes.
  • Dawes Plan

    a plan to reduce the Geman reperations so they could pay it off
  • Treaty of Locarno

    guarenteed Germany's new western borders with France and Belgium. (economic)
  • Nazi state

    The Nazi state is some thing that is not mentioned in our book so I think its wherever the Nazis took over, (social, military, political) political group using an army and killing alot of people and terrorizing them.
  • Period: to

    Five year plans

    they set economical goals for five year periods. their purpose was to transform Russia virtually overnight from an agricultural into an industrial counrty. economical and social
  • Joseph Stalin

    He held the buraucratic job of party general secretary. Military
  • Collectivization

    was a system in which private farms were eliminated. Instead, all the land was owned by the government and the peasants worked on it. Social, economical
  • New Deal

    President roosevelt pursued a policy of active governmental economic intervention. (social, political)
  • Kristallnacht

    the Nazis destroyed 7,000 jewish businesses and burned synagogues. (military, social, and political)
  • Enabling Act

    gave the government the power to ignore the constitution for 4 years while it dealt with its countries problems (social political) political because its a law and social because it affects the people.
  • concentration camps

    prison camps or death camps made for people that got in Hitlers way. the most famous one being Aushwitz (social)
  • Heinrich Himmler

    Leader of the SS or the guard squadrons they were Hitlers bodyguards. (military) because he protected the leader of the military.
  • Schutzstaffeln

    known as the SS or the guard squadrons they were the police of the nazis for maintaining order and being bodyguards for Hitler. (military) because they were the police and protected Htler
  • Nuremberg laws

    anyone with even one jewish grandparent was considered a jew (social) affected the citizens of Germany and Europe
  • Francisco Franco

    Europes youngest General. revolted against democratic government. (social, military)
  • Nuremberg Party Rallies

    envoked massive enthusiasm and excitement. used to make the gemrans an instrument of Hitlers policies. (social) because it was used to get the people going