

  • Japanese invasion of China

    Japanese invasion of China
    The start of the Second Sino-Japanese War, with the support from many other nations China had to defend against the Japanese attack. Both forces employed "Scorched earth" tactics in their doctorines. Scorched earth tactics are to destory anything that could be used the opposing force, whether it be under friendly control or not, this lead to many civilian casualties.source
  • Ribbentrop/Molotov pact

    Ribbentrop/Molotov pact
    The Molotov pack was an agreement of non-aggression between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The Molotov pact would allow Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union to invade much of Europe. The pact was eventually broken by Hilter when he ordered the invasion of Soviet controlled Poland.source
  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    By employing the use of Blitzkreig or lightning war Germany was able to take Poland with relative ease. After faking an attack on a consontration camp, Germany used the fake attack as an reason to invade. Germany also revived some help from the Soviet Union with the Molotov pact, leading to Poland being split in two.source
  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
    After the invasion of Poland, England and France had declared war on Germany. Germany soon turned its eyes westwards towards France, invading everything between them and France. By having the advantage of superior vehicles and air domination Germany was able to overtake Fance.Source
  • Bataan death march

    Bataan death march
    After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese moved onto inavde the Philippines. Once Japanese forces captured Manila, the US forces surrdendered shortly after, due to lack of supplies. The POWs were forced to walk 65 brutal miles to their camp, many died before they reached the camp.source
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    After Germany had broken the Molotov pact, they quickly broke through Russian lines until they rached Stalingrad. When the Germans reached Stalingrad they met heavy opposition from the Red Army. As many as 150,000 Germans had died fighting in Stalingrad. source
  • Allied invasion of Italy

    Allied invasion of Italy
    The invasion started with the island of Sicily, after encontering very little resistance from the demoralized troops in the island, the Allies moved onto the mainland. With the loss of Sicily, Mussolini's goverment was soon put out of power. The new Italian goverment soon made peace with the Allies.
  • D-day

    To do
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    After seeing oportinuty in the island of Iwo Jima as a place for damaged B-29s, the US had made plans to invade the island. Unlike the normal tactics of the Japanese, insted of fighting at the beachline, they where boged down by artillery and had to fight from underground tunnels and trenches. The entire Japanese force was whiped out, with an expecption of 1,803 POWs.
  • End of WW2 (VE/VJ day)

    End of WW2 (VE/VJ day)
    After being driven all the way back into the heart of Germany, Adolf Hitler soon commited suicide and the rest of Germany surrdendered shortly after. After being nuked, twice by the Americans the Japanese soon surrendered. The days the two nations surrdered where called for Germany VE day and for Japan VJ day.