

  • Period: to

    World War 2

    World War 2 began on September 1, 1939 and ened on September 2, 1945.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    This was the longest contiuous military campaign. Germans wanted to control the seaway which connected Britain with other Allies. German U-Boats sank 20 merchant ships per week. In order to protect mrechant ships, Canadian launched corvettes and set up convoys. Each convey had 3-4 corvettes and 50-60 supply ships. Finally, 25,000 ships arrived to Britain and 1,000 ships arrived to Russia safely. http://www.history.co.uk/study-topics/history-of-ww2/battle-of-the-atlantic
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    It was the major campaign fought entirely by air forces which was a struggle between the German Luftwaffe and the British Royal Air force. It was also the biggest air war of the Second World War. The German Luftwaffe attacked the United Kingdom form the end of June. The U.K. launched Royal Air Force to defeat and against German Air Force. This battle had lasted for 3 months and 3 weeks and it was eventually over on Oct 31, 1940. http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/battle-of-britain
  • Battle of Hong Kong

    Battle of Hong Kong
    Battle of Hong Kong was one of the first battles of the Pacific War in the Second War War. On December 7th, Japanese attacked US at Pearl Harbor and attacked Hong Kong on next day. Britain and Canadian soldiers defeated with Japanese, but failed. 290 Canadians died and injured in this battle. Hong Kong had been under Japanese rule since December 25, 1941. http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/history/second-world-war/canadians-hong-kong
  • Air War

    Air War
    In 1939, Royal Canadian Air Force was small, but it became stronger and stronger as time went on. In 1942, RCAF launched 1000 bombers to bomb Gernab cities at night in order to destroy factories which provide weapons to German soldiers. 60% of Hamburg, Germany were destoryed and 80,000 citizens were killed. But, the factories were not destoryed totally. http://warbirdsofww2.tripod.com/intro.htm
  • Dieppe Raid

    Dieppe Raid
    In order to attract Germans' attentation and relieve the pressure on the Eastern Front, the Allies decided to attack on the German-occupied port of Dieppe on August 10, 1942. However, the Allies lost many soldiers instead scared the Germans successfully. This raid was the worst battle that Canadian defeated. 900 Canadian dies, 1000 injured, 1900 became prisoners of Germany and only 2200 returned to the Britain. http://www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/history/second-world-war/1942-dieppe-raid
  • Operation Husky

    Operation Husky
    Operation Husky was the first step that Canadians attack on Italy. The first task for Canadian soldiers is to take the island of Sicily. On the first day, 60 Canadians died but 650 enemy soldiers captured. One month later, Canadian soliders captured Sicily seccussfully. However, 2310 Canadians died and wounded in this battle. http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/invasion-of-sicily
  • Battle of Ortona

    Battle of Ortona
    Ortona was the most important city which was on the way to Roma and defended by the First German Parachute Divison. In order to penetate the defense, Canadians soldiers bulit natural fortress, booby-trapped houses. They also blasted holes in the attic wall of buildings which was called "mouse-holing" method to avoid being shot by Germans. At last, they took Ortona, but 176 Canadian officers and 2163 men lost. http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/battle-of-ortona/
  • D Day

    D Day
    1.25 million USA troops, 1.25 million British / Commonwealth troops, 4000 landing craft, 700 war ships and 11,000 planes landed on Normandy on June 6, 1944. After then, 24 thousand soldiers and 36 Bomber Squadrons landed Juno Beach, including 30,000 Canadians. A month later, 1 million Allied soldiers landed. Finally, they took France back from Germans. But many soldiers dead or wounded. This was the largerst military operation of WW2 for Canada. http://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/d-day
  • Liberation of Europe

    Liberation of Europe
    On September 1, 1944, Canadians captured Dieppe where they assaulted 2 years before. Later, Canadians liberated Netherlands from Nazis. 7600 Canadian soldiers wounded in the battles. Dutch rained flowers to Canadian soldiers to express their appreciation. Germans surrendered on May 7, 1945. Poeple call that day as VE Day (Victory in Europe). https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/sep/10/second-world-war-liberation-europe
  • Commandos in the Pacific

    Commandos in the Pacific
    Chinese Canadians formed a commando unit which called Force 136. They destroyed the Japanese weapons, bridges and railways which were left from Japanese wars. Japanese Canadians helped to report propaganda and volunteered as tanslators. In 1945, the USA dropped two atomic bombs on hiroshima and Nagasaki. People designated August 14, 1945 as V-J Day (Voctory over Japan Day). http://www.historynet.com/royal-navy-commandos-in-world-war-ii.htm