Battle of Atlantic
Longest in Ww2 -
Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Non Aggression Pact
Germany invades Poland
Germany invads Poland starting WW2 -
Britin and France Declare war on Germany
as in title -
Aushuwitz Established3
Germany invades France, Belgium, and the Netherlands
Italy declares war on France and Great Britain
France surrenders to Germany
Battle of Britain begins
Germany invades the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa)
The Japanese launch a sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Germany and Italy declare war on the United States, then the United States declares war on Germany and Italy
The Battle of Midway begins
Guadalcanal Campaign begins
Battle of Stalingrad begins
The Allies invade North Africa (Operation Torch)
Italy surrenders
Tehran Conference begins
Yalta Conference begins
Adolf Hitler commits suicide