Treaty of Versi
First army as started in treaty MYF not ve used of offensive war
Cause-Cause because Germany didnt follow the rules in the war -
The Geneva Convention of 1929
This was a treaty signed in Geneva, they were under strict orders by the people
it was cause becuase of WW2 becuase japan did not want to sign the treaty -
Nazi Soviet Non-Agression pact
Took military action for 10 years
They had peace with Germany, but later on they attacked Germany
The pact was broken becuase Germany Attacked Soviet Union June 22, 1941 -
Post war occupation of Japan
U,S was attacked by Japan and that os when the war started becuase of Japan -
Battle Of El-Alamein
German army against the Brittish and the Italians marched into battle with Eqypt
The invastion of Egypt cause to draw Americans in -
Tunisia Campaign
Started in eastern Tunisia on January 5, 1943
Attacked German positions at Gafsa in west central Tunisia on march 17 1943
February 4, 1943, British Eighth Army forces crossed the border from Libya to Tunisia
May 7th armored division captured Tunis , the capital of Tunisia
U.S II Army corps captured Bizerte -
Rommels Command of the Axis Powers
Erwin Rommel lived from 1891 to 1944
Veteran od WW2
He was put in charge of Atlanitc wall defences in 1943 -
Italy Leaving Axis Power
Italy Surrendered to Axis forces but they they eventually joined Axis power -
Operation Torch
Axis 120,000 men fell also 500 aircrafts also the allies lost 479 men and found 720 men wounded from the battle. the Allies had over 60,000 troops -
Supreme Allied Commander
Insplired by a friend who went into U.S Naval Acadmy
there was also denied combat service in WW2
Dwight D. Eishower was a huge part of this, he was also very demanding when he knew he needed something -
Dumbarton oaks Conferance
meeting in washington D.C where representatives of China, the Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom formulated proposals for a world organization that became the basis for the United Nations. -
Japanese Intentment
Issued by President Franklin Roosevelt, he was the General of the U.S -
Marshall Plan
Europe remained ravaged by war and thus susceptible to exploitation by an internal and external Communist threat