• Autoritarian states began a series of hostile attacks against other countries

  • Japan started occupied Manchuria

  • Italy took posesion of Ethiopia and Albania

  • Germany violates the Treaty of Versailles

  • Rome-Berlin Axis aliance

    renoved in 1939 by the name of pact of steel
  • Anti-Comintern Pact (Germany-Japan)

  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War

    Italy and Germany helpedsupplied soldiers and forces, while France and Britain dont get involved
  • Japan invaded china

  • German occupation

    One of the moost famous massacres against the civilian population took place in Nanking (China)
  • Germany occupied Austria and in september demanded Czechoslovakia

  • The Munich Conference

    Was convened by Hitler following portest by France,GB and other powers over his police, finally accepted Hitler's promises to expand no further
  • France and GB promissed their military support to Poland if necesary

  • Nazi soviet pact

  • Invasion of Poland

    The alies declared the ww2
  • Germany army invaded most of EU

    invaded Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium and northern and western France. Also started the Battle of Britain, but Britain resited the attack and Hitler was forced to abort the mision.He ordered to block GB and launched the battle of atlantic to cut britih suply lines. he also fought the british in the mediterranean and the german african corps conquered north africa
  • Yugoslavia and Grecce also were conquered

  • Operation Barbosa and attacked russia

    USSR joined the Alies againts the axis.
  • Japan destroyed Perl harbor

    US joined the war
  • Persecutions of the Germans

    Marked the beginning of the jewish massacres in the USSR and eastern Europe.
  • Americans stoped Japan advances in the pacific

    Battles of midway and guadacanal and started reconquering occupied territories
  • German assault on Stalingrad

    Hitlers most failure. They soported several months of siege after wich hitsler major surrendered and the soviets started to attack, taking back ukraine and ending the siege if leningrad 1944
  • The extermination of the Jews

    The Nazi leaders planned ´´The Final Solution´´,the extermination of all the Jews.
  • GB defeated germans at EL alemin and Alies defeated germans in french north africa (tunisia)

  • Conferences

    The three major Allies (Great Britain, the United States and the USSR) met for the first time at the Tehran Conference.
  • Normandy landing

    borught many soldiers and weapons into france,alies defeated germay resitance and started avancing from the west liberating part of france and entering germany, at the same time russians started to avance pushing germans out of poland, romania and bulgaria.
  • Economic exploitation

    30% of workers in Germany´s arms industries were foreigners.
  • GErmany surrended

  • The launche of the atomic bombs

    President Truman decided to throw the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • The second conference

    This second conference took placein Yalta (February 1945)
  • The 3 conference

    The third peace conference was held in Potsdam.The new leaders (Atlee, Truman and Stalin)
  • United Nations

    The Alliesreataed the United Nations in San Francisco Conference.
  • Alied armies occupied -germay and met at the river elbe ,

  • Hitler suiccide

  • Japan surrendered.

  • Last conference

    Drawn up in the Paris Peace Conference to reach peace treaties with Germany.
  • The founding of the UN

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted.
  • The UN today.

    The Milennium Declaration was adopted to reduce poverty, iliteracyand ilness