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By Trexx
  • First concentration camp opens

  • Pact of steel signed

  • Hitler invades Poland

  • Period: to

    England Evacuates Children

  • WW2 begins

  • Battle of the Atlantic

  • Germans bomb Paris

  • Battle of Britain

    The Germans were bombing Britain. The Battle of Britain was fought entirely in the air.
  • Period: to

    The blitz

  • Star of David introduced to Jews

  • Japanese territory as of 1942

    Japanese territory as of 1942
  • Navajo code introduced to Allied Forces

  • Death March

  • D-day

  • Franklin Rosevelt dies and Truman becomes president

  • V-e day

  • Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima using uranium

  • Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki using plutonium

  • V-j day