Nazi Germany killed more than 6 million jews. -
Formation of the U.N
More than 26 nations at war gather to sign the Declaration of the United Nations. -
First major victory for the allies in the pacific. -
Germany invades Poland
1.5 Million germans invade Poland, led by Nazi leader Adolf Hitler . -
German Blitzkrieg on Soviet Union
"Lightning war". tactic designed to create disorganization among the enemy forces. -
Stalin attacks Finland
Russia attacks and takes over most of Karelia in 1939. -
Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister
Churchill, First Lord of the Amiralty replaces Neville Chamberlain as Prime MInister. -
Battle of Britain
In the summer and fall of 1940 the german and british airforces fought in the skies of the UK. But Britains victory saved the country from the invasion of Germany. -
Hitler takes over the balkans
The balkans being in the center of conflict of the war, hitler takes over in 1940 because of its economic nature. -
Lend-Lease act
The U.S provided a large amount of military supplies to the allies that war at war with Germany and Japan. -
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
On the morning of dec 7, 1941 hundreds of marines and civilians died because of the attack of the Japanese, this caused the formal declaration of war from the U.S. -
Japanese internment camps
After pearl harbor, many Americans thought the japanese-americans living in the united states where spies, this led to the starting of internment camps where they were locked up. -
Battle of Stalingrad
Major battle between Germany and allies against the soviet union to take one of its cities in the south of russia (stalingrad) -
Battle of El Alamein
This was fought in the desert of North Africa and led to the German surrender. -
Day in which the allies landed in the shore of Normandy beggining the liberation of western europe. -
Tehran Conference
Meeting between leaders: Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill to discuss strategies for winning WWII -
Battle of Midway
VIctory battle for the U.S thanks to the code breaking of the Japanese -
Yalta Conference
Second meeting during the war with the purpose to agree to demand Germany’s unconditional surrender and begin plans for a post-war world. -
FDR's Death
Died in Warm Springs Ga after 4 terms in office, leaving his vice president Harry Truman in charge of the nation. -
Cold war
A tense time period between Russia and the U.S, where they wouldn't have battles but one country would spy on the other. -
Mussolini's assassination
Benito Mussolini and Clara Petacci, are shot by Italian partisans who had captured the couple as they attempted to escape to Switzerland. -
Hitler's suicide
Hitler commits suicide in Berlin one day after getting married with his longtime companion Eva. -
Potsdam conference
Last of the WWII meetings. The leaders came to various agreements on the German economy, punishments and land boundaries.They also demanded unconditional surrender” from Japan. -
Atomic bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki
First nuclear attack was on Hirsohima, but this did not make the Japanese surrender until the second bomb was dropped in Nagasaki. -
McArthur’s plan for Japan
led by General Douglas MacArthur who was then in charge of the Supreme command of Allied Powers, he planned to punish and reform Japan, also revive its economy. -
Nuremburg Trials
13 military tribunals after WWII with the purpose of bringing Nazi war criminals to justice. -
Marshall Plan
AKA European Recovery Program, helped Europe to recover economically lending them over $13 billion. -
Berlin Airlift
Berlin was divided between the soviet union, America, France and Britain. These first ones wanted the city all to themselves, so they closed down everything including highways and canals with the purpose of making it impossible for the people who lived there to get food or any other supplies, this eventually would drive out the U.S, Britain and France out. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Leaders of the U.S. and the Soviet Union engaged in a tense, 13-day political and military fight due to the nuclear weapons installed in Cuba. (90 miles from the U.S)