• Occupation of manchuria by the japanese

    Occupation of manchuria by the japanese
    Japan launched an attack on Manchuria. Within a few days Japanese armed forces had occupied several strategic points in South Manchuria.
  • Italy takes possesion of Ethiopia

    Italy takes possesion of Ethiopia
    To extend its colonial empire. It also invaded Albania
  • Spanish civil war

    Spanish civil war
    Italy and germany took part in the Spanish civil war in 1936-1939
  • Munich conference

    Munich conference
    Convened by Hitler following protests from France and Great Britain and other powers over his policy of expansionism.
  • Renovation of the Rome-Berlin Axis

    Renovation of the Rome-Berlin Axis
    Germany entered into the Rome-Berlin Axis alliance with Italy, which was renewed under the name Pact of Steel
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    To prevent the USSR from joining forces with France and with Britain and helping Poland , Hitler signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact with Stalin.
  • German army invaded most of western Europe

    German army invaded most of western Europe
    Denmark, Norway, The Netherlands, Belgium and northern and western France.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa and attacked Russia quickly reaching the gates of Moscow and Leningrad.
  • USSR and US entered the conflict

    USSR and US entered the conflict
    The war took a decisive turn
  • British defeat the germans at El Alamein

    British defeat the germans at El Alamein
    Shortly after an allied army under the control of General Eisenhower landing in french Africa
  • German assault on Stalingrad

    German assault on Stalingrad
    Hitler´s first major failure. The city withstood several months of siege.
  • Peace conferences to confrontation

    The three major allies met for the first time at the Tehran Conference. Finally peace treaties with Germany´s other allies were drawn up during the Paris Peace Conference