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WW2 (mack)

  • WW2

    Children had to evacuate due to the bombing by Germany.
  • WW2

    Britain and France declare war on Germany.
  • WW2

    Rationing begins in Britain.
  • WW2

    Finland signs a peace treaty with Soviets.
  • WW2

    Germans bomb Scapa Flow naval base near Scotland.
  • WW2

    France surrenders to Germany.
  • WW2

    First units of German'Africa Korps arrive in North Africa
  • WW2

    Tobruk in north Africa falls to the British and Australians.
  • WW2

    British forces advance into Italian Somaliland in the east
  • WW2

    German General Erwin Rommel arrives in Tripoli,North Africa
  • medical technology

    Penicillin was not invented during the war, but it was first mass produced during the war
  • WW2

    First thousand-bomber British air raid (against Cologne).
  • WW2

    First Battle of El Alamein.
  • WW2

    First bombing raid by Americans on Germany (at Wilhelmshaven).
  • WW2

    Battle of Atlantic climaxes with 27 merchant ships sunk by German U-boats.
  • WW2

    • First attack toward Cassino, Italy.
  • WW2

    Soviet troops begin an offensive on the Belorussian front; First major daylight bombing raid on Berlin by the Allies.
  • WW2

    Hitler wanted to make Germany the most powerful empire in the world.
  • WW2

    Soviet troops capture Warsaw, Poland.
  • WW2

    Dresden is destroyed by a firestorm after Allied bombing raids.
  • WW2

    Hermann Göring commits suicide two hours before his scheduled execution.