
WW2 1939-1945

  • Allied Forces declare war on Germany

    Allied Forces declare war on Germany
    The Allied forces of Britain, Australia, France and New zealand decide to declare war against Germany in retaliation to the threat they pose.
  • Period: to

    Australian Fighter pilots participate in The Battle Of Britain

    Australian Pilots from the RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) pariciapte in the batle of britain. Risking thier lives to help protect Britain and its people.
  • HMAS Sydney sinks the Italian cruiser Bartolomeo Colleoni off Crete

    HMAS Sydney sinks the Italian cruiser Bartolomeo Colleoni off Crete
    HMAS Sydney sinks the Italian cruiser Bartolomeo Colleoni off Crete the Italian cruiser took 956 shells from the HMAS Sydney
  • Australian troops capture Bardia, Libya, from the Italians

    Australian troops capture Bardia, Libya, from the Italians
    Australian troops capture Bardia and Libya from the Italian forces after many days of fighting the casualties were quite costly for the Austrlian troops.
  • Period: to

    Siege of Tobruk

    The siege of Tobruk lasted for 241 day between the Allied an Axis forces in North Africa the Allied forces managed to hole bakc the Axis forces.
  • Australia Declare war on Japan

    Australia in retaliation to the major threat Japn poses declare war against it and its people in order to stop them from posing quite a major threat aginst Australia and its people
  • Japanese aircraft bomb Darwin

    Japanese military aircraft bombed Darwin's two airfields and its military harbour. This attack was meant to prevent Australia form using these forces against the Japanase imperial Empire.
  • HMAS Canberra sunk in Battle of Savo Sea

    HMAS Canberra sunk in Battle of Savo Sea after being heavilly damaged by a surprise attack from an surprisingly strong Japanese naval force.
  • Period: to

    Battle of El Alamein

    The Battle of El Alamein was fought within Egypt by Austrlian forces. The Australians suffered many casualties at the hands of the Egyptian military.
  • Australians recapture Kokoda

    After many months of gruelling fighting against the relentless Japanese forces the Australins manage to push back the japanese forces and recapture the Kokoda trail.
  • 9th Troop Division returns to Australia

    The Australin 9th Troop Division returs to Australia after many war campaigns such as El Alamein.
  • Australian and British POWs in Borneo are forced into the Sandakan Death Marches

    Australian and British POWs in Borneo are forced into work in slavery and into the brutal Sandakan death marches which resulted in the death of over 2345